Why not...???

Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by Aromulus, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Why should we at the west, shoulder the responsability for them, if their own countries refuse to take them back...?:erm:

    The rules are the same for everyone in Europe, you find a job, you work, you pay your taxes... hold on.... Aren't the same rules everywhere else in the world...?:erm:

    The borders were opened to aid commerce and give the chance to people to find work some where else, if there wasn't any at home.
    The borders were not open so that some ethnic minorities could take advantage of other countries generous systems of welfare.
    Or even to better and widen their crime opportunities....

    France is doing rather well, thank you very much...
    Italy has been sending them back for quite a while, and the impact is felt very quickly, as the crime rates go down dramatically, especially in and around Rome.

    I am not a racist, or a bigot neither
    I just don't believe in countries exporting and foisting their ethnic problems onto others, and then refusing to take back their layabouts when too much gets too much.

  2. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member

    here here!
  3. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Well, the Roma are unique in a way, as they have no actual country of their own. They originate in a part of India and for whatever reason have fled that land hundreds of years ago. And since then have been viewed with suspicion from the rest of the world for their nomadic lifestyle, claiming no borders...

    Even up to 1989, Romani women were forcibly sterilized in (what was) Czechoslovakia, so they have been victims in eastern Europe for a long time and quite recently too.

    Though, from the French perspective. These people came to France, never bothered to settle into French life and did not contribute to the economy. So I think it is understandable for the French to deal with them as they have done, but I can understand the Romani people for feeling (once again) victimized.
  4. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    In late summer 2008, I took my wife to Italy on a delayed and well deserved honeymoon.
    we spent a fantastic week traveling here and there using my home town as a base.
    returning from one of those day trips, I took a couple of wrong turns, or so I thought, and ended up in what seemed to me a Cebu squat area....
    For a while I was lost and not feeling to safe, as I was being stared at as if I was the stranger in town....
    My brother told me about how scared people are to walk to the cemetery to lay flowers, or even on the promenade by the sea or in the old town....
    Continuously hassled by beggar kids, hand bag snatchers and drug dealers. And they all carry knives.
    The local hospital looks like a fortress...
    The police were powerless because of various "human rights" rules....
    Slowly, thanks to Berlusconi, Italy is getting cleaned up, in fact the Romanians aren't too happy with the expulsions of their Romas....

    Pray this disease never gets here. The travellers are bad enough...
  5. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    You mean that old corrupt wind bag is actually doing something usefull besides bedding models and propping up his empire:erm:

  6. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    No, an often misunderstood genius of the highest sort....;)

    It takes a crook to know a crook and as the devil you know is better than the devil you don't... The italians sent Prodi back to where he came from, because they realized that he was in Bruxelles pockets and no good would come out of him....
    Besides he didn't have a clue on what makes business tick over in Italy, because he is a born and bred politician and never had to do a day's work in his miserable life.

    On the other hand, Berlusconi built an economic empire through hard work and more often than not... Bribes... But he gets things moving.
  7. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Only in Italy:D I think if some media mogul here in the UK bribed his way to power there would be no way we would vote him in..

    Although, it might happen in the US. In fact think their whole lobbying firms are nothing short of bribe factories:erm:

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