Using my UK iphone in the Philippines

Discussion in 'Technology Advice' started by Sunnyjim, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    I dont like that word Oss. You make a choice and I respect your choice and your reasoning.
  2. blue_acid

    blue_acid Member Trusted Member

    Thank you JohnAsh, that is me as a toddler.
  3. blue_acid

    blue_acid Member Trusted Member

    I could be wrong then. I a on Globe postpaid and my husband on Globe prepaid and there standard charging is per minute or per KB. There are deals like monthly unlimited, a fix amount of MB per month, a whole day or something. Not really sure about the specifics as I always get about 250-300M only as I have wifi anyways.

    In the UK, I use 3 and just pay 15 quid a month for unlimited date, 300 minutes of calls and thousands of text or something like that.
  4. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    I don't particularly like it either John but it gets treated as a kind of badge and implies a certain kind of mindset, albeit with a certain condescension from those that would label people that way, I spent much of my life on the fringe, the outside, my interests were never those that others would consider cool, nobody I knew wanted to talk about where the universe came from or anything like that, they labelled me and the odd friend here and there "Nerd" so what do you do, change to be what the rest of the world wants you to be or be the person you are?

    I am driven by nothing more than curiosity, I am by no means a pure scientist, I wish I were, you have far better credentials than I ever will from a purely practical viewpoint but as people who have that curiosity we seem these days to be labelled as nerds and if you can't beat them, well then adopt the badge and be proud of your curious nature, after all the likes of us built the entire modern world ;)
  5. blue_acid

    blue_acid Member Trusted Member

    LOL to some you probably are. I like buying nice things in my opinion, nice things that my budget can afford me and I treat it as it is - a computer, a phone, a camera, a bag, etc.

    That's a good camera though. I'm still debating with myself as to what to get. I made a wrong move of getting an Olympus over a Canon a year ago and I haven't touched it since. :(
  6. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Hehehehe, eBay everything, I cannot afford anything new these days and I bought both of the above items on eBay and both arrived in almost the condition shown in those pics.

    New, as in brand new original Recommended Retailer price, the above would have come to somewhere in the region of 9 grand, I can assure you I paid a tiny tiny tiny fraction of that amount as I waited a long time to get the things I wanted, they are nowhere near new :) however because of the build quality they still work like new, that is my only secret ;)

    edit: when I am in Manila that 1Ds mkII gives me a sense of security which is the exact opposite of what one might expect, I keep it on a strap that has a metal wire run though the middle and the 1D comes very easy to hand, it is one of the best disguised weapons you could lay your hands on, a bit like having your own ball and chain or a loose Mace ;)
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
  7. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    You need to take the Apple approach. Call yourself a Genius. :D
  8. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    :D Nah, I am happy to just be curious about the world and where it came from :)
  9. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    Top marks Oss I recycle where possible.

    As far as phones go I tend to change about every 6 years 2004 -10 was a samsung D500 currently since 2010 a HTC Wildfire I want to make calls, be able to change the battery , Get e-mails and send read pdf docs take photos and vid, record voice on calls and otherwise , read forums and my phone does all of that.

    Im also bored with the I phone I phone chants as I think apple has enough power and influence.

    I use open office and firefox for the same reasons google and windows dont need any more market share.:like:
  10. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    I'm on smart PAG and those offers where never mentioned to me. Can you just go into a Smart store and subscribe to them on an exsisting sim card?
  11. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    It is easier than that Stu, just buy enough load and then send the activation text, I will look up the number and post back here.

    The deals change from time to time but for email and general connectivity the 199 deal is probably the best as you can get a month for 398 peso, and 360MB is more data than I use on my phone here in the UK.

    The details are currently here but they move around a lot so the link will go stale after a while, the deals also change quite often there used to be a 7 day 99 peso deal but that seems to have vanished.

    Also set a reminder for the expiry of the deal because once it runs out they switch back to 10 peso for 30 minutes and it basically eats your load until you realise what is happening, usually when you can no longer call or text.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  12. Joy36

    Joy36 New Member

    yes there is payg sims in philippines i will be there also next month for a holiday......

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