CFO........... Commission on Filipinos Overseas...

Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by Aromulus, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Sunnyjim

    Sunnyjim Member

    My understanding was that she wouldn't need a visa to enter a country of the EU as long as she's travelling with me - an EU citizen. Is this incorrect?
  2. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Pretty sure that's incorrect.

    Is she travelling from Philippines? My guess is if she tried to go to an EU country without a visa she wouldn't even get out of Manila airport.
  3. Sunnyjim

    Sunnyjim Member

    Thanks for that Maharg. I've been googling away and it seems like you're right
  4. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Using Ireland as a launchpad is probably not the wisest of moves. Ireland is part of the UK Common Travel Area and its visas are issued by UKBA who will be rather suspicious of an application made by a Filipino wife of a British citizen. I suggest you choose a Shenghen country.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. Sunnyjim

    Sunnyjim Member

    You say 'suspicious'? What do you think they'll suspect? And can they refuse a visa without a strong reason?
  6. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    They'll suspect that you are going to Ireland because you don't meet the financial requirment and then plan to cross the border into the UK - thus avoiding the proper channels.

    I would agree that a Schengen visa is probably a better option if you ara considering this route.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. Sunnyjim

    Sunnyjim Member

    Can they really withhold a Visa for this reason? Have they done this before?
  8. LisaUK

    LisaUK Active Member Trusted Member

    They can do what they like :rolleyes:

    Sounds flippant but I'm afraid it's true.
  9. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    If everything is above board and one meets all the rquirements then legally no, they cannot refuse a visa application, without good reason. Unless they change the law, that is.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. LisaUK

    LisaUK Active Member Trusted Member

    But some of the 'requirements' are rather grey areas though aren't they? I've trawled the internet for visa info and some of the stories I've read are scary. They can still decide something is amiss no matter how much proof you throw at them. Anyway, I hope you sort your situation Sunnyjim.
  11. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Well, yes and no. Many folk have been refused on the wrong grounds. Thats what the appeal system is for. These things can end up in court and then it can easily go against the government (UKBA ) which they dont like. So they do have to play by the rules as much as we do.

    They cannot say that you dont meet the requirements if you clearly do.
  12. LisaUK

    LisaUK Active Member Trusted Member

    Well, yes, I must admit when I read some stories I do wonder if there's more to it - like a more genuine reason for the refusal. It is a minefield though, nonetheless.
  13. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    They have to tell you the reasons for refusal. They have clear guidelines on the refusal process. They cant make something up or fabricate their reasoning. They can and do make mistakes. Hence my spoof "Day in the Life" story...

    It is on the basis of their written reasoning that you can appeal. If they are clearly wrong then the appeal stands a good chance of being successful.
  14. LisaUK

    LisaUK Active Member Trusted Member

    But, for example, the genuine relationship thing is a grey area isn't it? It isn't clear cut like the financial thing. What if it's genuine and they don't believe it? This is one of the things I'm worried about in our application - the fact that we've only had one period of 11 days together. Can they decide that isn't enough? This point isn't set in stone with clear guidelines is it :/
  15. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    I take your point but at 11 days you would be applying with a marginal application in that area of the application. That might prove a weak point if in conjunction with other weak points or even on its own. But if ones application is strong all round then they cannot refuse.

    Also clear guidelines are difficult to apply in this particular aspect of the application. How could they set clear guidelines? So what they do is put the onus on the applicant to convince them. If they can be convinced then the jobs a good 'un.

    How long have you known your partner?
  16. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

  17. LisaUK

    LisaUK Active Member Trusted Member

    We don't fit much of that criteria really - I'm very worried about it.

    We've known each other online for 10 months. We've talked really a lot through that whole time - 12,000 A4 pages of Facebook chat, not to mention phone calls.. But we didn't meet in person until last month, which was when we spent 11 days in Morocco.
  18. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    I only knew my wife for 6 months before she applied.
  19. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Do you have a good collection of photos together?
  20. LisaUK

    LisaUK Active Member Trusted Member

    But how much time had you spent together? Yes, I have photos - about 10 or 12 that look different enough from each other - you know, different clothes, different places, etc. Is that enough?

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