'Fiancee'/Settlement Visa - various questions...

Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by UKDJ, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. UKDJ

    UKDJ Active Member

    The closer my Fiancee and I get to submitting her application for the first-stage Settlement ('Fiance(e)') visa, the more questions seem to 'pop into my head'...

    Here are the latest questions I am now pondering -

    I guess we don't submit the online, electronic VAF4A until she has received the result of her IELTS English language test (hopefully a 'Pass'!) - booked for 11/JAN/2018 - and TB test/certificate?

    With regards to 'proving our relationship', does it matter whether the Applicant or Sponsor submits things like emails, chat logs/extracts, photos etc - should we both submit evidence? If we both submit examples, should we submit exactly the same examples, different examples or doesn't it matter?

    Apart from the 'official' documents the Applicant is required to submit (I believe a photocopy of all official documents, on A4 size paper regardless of the size of the original, is also required to be included with the originals) - VAF4A (online), VAF4A - Appendix 2 (do BOTH Applicant and Sponsor include the Appendix 2 in the 'bundle' sent to Sheffield???), Passports (current and last 10 years), CENOMAR, NBI, IELTS test result, TB test result, 1 x Passport-style colour photo, photocopy of Sponsor's passport (photo page), return addressed envelope for original documents to be returned to Applicant... have I missed anything??? - is there anything else the Applicant should include???

  2. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    all vfs will accept is the vaf4 printoff--signed--and her passport. everything else goes to sheffield.

    i still sent originals and copies of everything---and got the lot back in a few days--with a standard unsigned letter saying they had copied it all. dont forget a stamped self addressed big envelope to get your bumf back.. i got a pack of 5 large plastic envelopes from local post office

    i would submit proofs of relationship items from each of you.
  3. UKDJ

    UKDJ Active Member

    Thanks Bigmac - That's interesting. So all her other 'evidence' - apart from the VAF4A Appendix 2 printoff (signed) and her (current???) passport, has to go to Sheffield? There still seems to be a difference of opinion - on this Forum, at least - whether VFS in Manila still offer the scanning documents service, at a cost, or not?

  4. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    i think !--vfs only offer the scanning service if all the sponsors documents are sent over to the philippines....which is how it used to be. but ukvi want it all sent to sheffield. i cant help but think theres a bit of gamesmanship going on.

    in my wifes ' sons case--we applied on his behalf with the online vaf4. i am the sponsor--so i printed appendix2--filled it out and sent all my stuff straight to sheffield..along with printed off vaf4 form and copies of the vfs appointment bumf. my wife ( his mother ) flew over to phils for a 3 week holiday--took him to vfs manila--who told her to send his documents to sheffield. she bought them back with her--i posted them in. got them back from sheffield in 4 days--with standard letter saying they had copied them.

    so--we await an email saying they either never got my stuff--or never got his stuff--or never got whatever it is that vfs would send them--or a permutation of all 3. the longer time goes by is a good thing--i think. i dont expect any result till end of feb at least.

    IF he is successful--it then gives us 30 days to find flights--she will go over again and bring him back.--and book time off work.

    its small wonder that net immigration has fallen so much--this new sheffield fiasco has simply delayed things by about 4 months.
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  5. UKDJ

    UKDJ Active Member

    - Ain't that the truth... exactly what this Government wants - if by somewhat nefarious means!!!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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