getting married in davao

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by landreg1970, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. landreg1970

    landreg1970 New Member

    hello i'm planning to marry a non practicing muslim girl in 2020 and have my appointment booked for the affidavid and obviously it will be a civil wedding because muslim wedding is not recognised so what do I need to do just apply in Davao after I get clearance from the embassy ?
    also big big question I find no answers for is if all goes well and she arrives in uk will she be allowed to work prob need work permit or is there an amount of time she needs to be here just as my wife be4 searching for a job ?
  2. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    If you wish to marry a Muslim girl, then you will have to convert to Islam yourself. Children follow the religion of the father and hence in order for your offspring to be Muslim, then you will need to convert. Whether the girl is practising or not, she is Muslim, she cannot change that.
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  3. landreg1970

    landreg1970 New Member

    if people on here do not wish to be helpful kindly keep your opinions to yourself
    I am not converting my religion she acts and dresses like a westerner if u don't want to be helpful leave this site
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  4. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    I was going to respond not to just this question but also to the other one you have posed on another thread.
    Having seen your response to @DavidAlma you have I would suggest a serious attitude problem and will get no help from me whatsoever.
    As a footnote I have also reported your post.
    Have a life!
  5. landreg1970

    landreg1970 New Member

    and I have reported you also sir
    on many many other forums people are polite to each other
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  6. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Your very welcome. My response is nothing but polite.
  7. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the support. I was going to respond to him myself, but decided I would just be wasting my time, as he is clearly the sort of person that will only listen to what he wants to hear. As it happens, I do know what I'm talking about as I did exactly the same thing. My previous wife was a muslim and I had to convert in order to marry her. She too was very westernised, lived all over the world including UK for many years. She wasn't a practising muslim either, but that all changed after about 15 years when she decided to start to cover, praying and attending the mosque.
  8. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    The style and content of this and his other thread suggest its just a visit from one of our old friends just having a wind up. Bootsie maybe.
  9. PorkAdobo

    PorkAdobo Active Member

    Why would you have to convert to Islam for a civil wedding ceremony?

    With regards to kids, it would sound better that they are not any religion by birthright. Let them decide for themselves when they are older as to which religion (if any) they wish to adhere to.
  10. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    In an ideal world, that may be the case. The muslim religion has many strict rules, one of them being that you cannot renounce the religion, it is considered apostasy and in theory at least is punishable by death. This never happens in practise of course, but it is considered a major sin. If she were living in Saudi or Sudan, she would be in a world of trouble. Second rule is that any children will follow the religion of the father. Therefore mixed marriages are OK for muslim men as the children will follow his religion. Not so the other way round, hence the need for the non muslim man to convert. Of course one can choose to ignore all of these things, but the marriage will not be recognised in Islam, civil or otherwise, and maybe not in the eyes of her family either.
  11. PorkAdobo

    PorkAdobo Active Member

    Adults convert to Islam all the time. That sounds much better than forcing a religion on a child since birth.

    Why does it matter if the marriage is or isn't recognised in Islam? If the girl is not a practising Muslim, she's unlikely to want to Sharia courts to arbitrate over any disputes. The only thing that matters is whether the marriage has legal recognition from the state.

    If the girl's family are devout Muslims, there's a strong chance she'd already have been married off in an arranged ceremony.
  12. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    No problem converting to Islam, but its a bit like the Hotel California, you can never leave.
    Legal recognition from which state? Certainly not from her homeland state.
    She may not be practicing now, but islam has a habit of coming back into the life of muslims (ask my ex wife)
    Arranged marriages are something quite different and not all muslim societies practice it.

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