4th Impact and Sean Miley Moore - X Factor Tour

Discussion in 'Music Videos' started by Maharg, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    With apologies to serious musos out there... we went to see the X Factor tour on Saturday in the O2 in London.

    Two Filipino acts this year (Girl band 4th Impact and Sean Miley Moore) so attendance was compulsory.

    Had good fun playing "Spot the Filipino" in TGI Fridays before going in, only to find ourselves next to a lone Pinay who had gone on her own because her husband had declined due to his dislike of the X Factor. Miserable old sod.

    Anyway, it means Mrs M now has a new Facebook friend.

    And here they are! 4th Impact & Sean Miley Moore - X Factor superstars - performing together. Enjoy, music lovers!

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