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anyone know the 2015 filipino charts

Discussion in 'Philippine Music Charts' started by bangerboy, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. bangerboy

    bangerboy Member

    as a dj i specialise in certain music types- northern soul classics ( well over a 1,000) --rockabilly (over 1,000) --country and western & irish country (over 800)--irish & irish rebel songs ? (about 1,000)--soca carnival music ( about 500) --ska (200) black section -ragga -dancehall -reggae (1,000) but these are all now 3 years old ?does anyone know a computer site i can download this years music --and i have over a 1,000 northern soul including the 99% of the top 500-i have a list of another 500 northern soul i heard and loved but cant download as don't know how --i am in --stevenage--herts--willing to chat on phone --
  2. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    They're on Spotify. There's a Charts by Country section and it includes Philippines.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. bangerboy

    bangerboy Member

    thank you my friend , i tried this and last fm but i had to listen on there --i want to be able to play the items in my house for when my wife --ruby and son kheiru get here
  4. knightstrike

    knightstrike Well-Known Member Trusted Member

  5. bangerboy

    bangerboy Member

    thank you i will try this tonight haha-i was on a couple sites before and they closed them down i don't mind £5 a month to legaly download to my external hard drive i am very well know haha for my --irish nights -- and i do also 80s nights --i have been phoned on about 6 ocasions by stars to do there party's --i had --joe dolan --ask me & i did his daughters wedding at hatfield house --hatfield--and --paul young had brought a kids entertainment whare house in --houghton regis --bedfordshire and phoned me twice haha -and he lost a bet as his mates told him --sean wont believe you are the real--paul young and tell you to f**k off ?? and i did haha --i also if you have it on video and can frame by frame it --i start the ''judge dread film where sylvester stalone rides in on a motercycle -i petrol bomb a british armoured car & then turn towards the screen and put both hands over my head and shout ??then the tittles come up and sylvester rides in i was with him 3 days haha

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