According to a Filipina they are quite correct Jim You Are Rich Fecker, the basic UK state Pension of around P60K a Lunar month is close to 7 times more than the minimum wage there, it is a lot more that a Prof Teaching in a Uni gets there in a calendar month which is around P48K and anyone there earning over 25K is taxed. Apart from all of that what aboot yon Big Hoose ye bide in, me thinks just the same as the Filipina anyone that lives there must be Fecking loaded? Very few Filipinas would know or understand just how must it cost for a Foreigner to have a typical western lifestyle there, unless they were partnered to one. It does not help us any when GI Joe is around ( there is always one in any public place there to be heard above all others) boasting about how much of an allowance he gets for his PTSD, these Cupid Stunts really do have Loose Lips.
Yep the hoose is big but My car is very old canna afford a newer one. 1998 old Pajero got more weld than original metal.
I found this to be the case on another Ex-pat forum I write on, so I started a Thread headed. BORING AULD BAR STEWARDS This Site used to be very interesting to me at one time, especially when I joined in 2017, many of the members of that time are still here, but now it is a whole lot different, most of the members from that time have become Boring Auld Bar Stewards with very little to say? Also there is not all that many new members, I do know for a fact that there is members that only view the site and make no contribution to it, never to post, this I do not understand? mind you maybe it is better they keep their mooths shut and naebody wid ken thur jist stupid? I do know and have met quite a few of our members personally and mostly they all complain that there is not much going on here and they are starting to lose interest in the site. This is all so daft to me as it is so easy to start a thread here or as I did the other day to post to an existing old thread from 6yrs ago. I see no reason not to resurrect some of these old but quite interesting threads and bring them up to date?
Aye, I'm 1 of the BORING AULD BAR STEWARDS. Actually we have met a couple of times in Valencia, a few years ago mind. Probably won't remember me not only old but quite too.
Well if we have met? I certainly do not remember it, also if you are that quiet as you say you are, I would find that most unusual in an Englishman and this would likely prompt my memory of you? however I have been wrong before and now this is more of a daily occurrence to me.
Red tables, Valencia and another time, do you remember the two Canadian brothers, can't think of their names. New's Eve year party about 3 years ago maybe 4, at Valencia nice house. I have got a good memory for my age, at least some of the time.
Well Jim, it look like you have me there I have no memory of this, the two Brothers are Greg and Rob Pittam and here's me thinking my long term memory was good? It is my short term that I do get concerned about, when I go upstairs to look for something and do not remember what it is when I get there and I live in a Bungalow?