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PH E-Travel system roll out begins...

Discussion in 'Travel Tips and Advice' started by John Surrey, May 10, 2024.

  1. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

  2. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

  3. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    I suspect if you looked in detail at most countries rules they'd have something similar... a long time ago, before all the money laundering rules etc, I worked in one of those places that people occasionally turned up with a suitcase full of cash :D

    These days most countries try to dissuade drug dealers and criminal gangs flying in and washing their money...
  4. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Money laundering, tax evasion, bribery, trafficking drug money
  5. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Sounds like a replacement for the old paper customs declaration.

    I've not filled in a paper customs declaration for years now, I think I've never been handed one of those forms since covid or even before covid.

    So it sounds like they integrated it with the eTravel health declaration/passenger information system.

    I don't think I ever saw a paper version that had that the 50,000 limit I only found out that it had been lifted from 10,000 a couple of years back.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
  6. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    They try to stop international transfers as well when I used WorldRemit in the old days I hit the limit for annual sends and had to go through a security check with reasons why I was sending who I was sending too etc.

    I think Wise has enough data on you from the sign up process that they don't need to go through quite as thorough a security check.

    Last time I left in April I took over 40,000 back to the UK in cash, I already had over 9000 in cash in the UK, I did this so that I would not have to visit ATM's or the money changers immediately on landing next trip and because I was getting the cash at a good rate in late March early April over 71.2 some days if I remember correctly.

    Gives me some breathing space to send cash to my son whereupon he can take it from his bank and give it to me without me having to pay international ATM fees.

    I'm taking 49,300 with me next trip, will leave a couple of thousand in the UK for next time.

    Some of these 20's could do with a very thorough wash, they're disgusting :D


    P.S. good post on your part good to know about this change in advance
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
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  7. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    On the general subject of cash, in the UK I don't use cash at all anymore I pay for everything with google wallet on my phone and I miss that after I get on the plane at Amsterdam as that is usually the end of me using the phone and going back to physical cards.

    However when we were up in Makati recently I saw someone paying using their iPhone at a Maya terminal at checkout in a Zara store I was buying the kids some new clothes, so I asked the girl if Google wallet would work and she said give it a try and sure enough it worked I had a smile like a kid in a sweety shop my kids were laughing at me I was grinning so much.

    I then found that it would work at lots of places including those blue and yellow card terminals that you get in SM and other stores but it does not work in all of them I think only mostly the big stores and big malls like MoA its not been rolled out in other places yet.
  8. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    I’ve considered the wallet on the phone but how safe from hackers is it?
  9. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    It's safer than using a card.

    A card can be read remotely which is why mine are in a Farady cage :)


    Google Wallet does not present your actual card to the terminal it presents a virtual card to the retailer.

    Your phone has to be open for it to work (usually, there are exceptions that you can set up) they've actually made this harder recently and are now requiring additional fingerprint or face id to complete a payment if your phone has been open over a certain amount of time.

    I am not a fan of Google, I'm a Microsoft man basically because my entire career was in Microsoft tools and operating systems but Google Wallet is well implemented and the one thing they offer that I really love.

    Additional benefit is that your £100 contactless limit no longer applies you could pay for a TV using NFC on your phone if you wanted to.

    NFC is very short range and even if a hacker intercepted the signal it's not your card details that they would obtain.

    The ability to switch from one card to another to another at a swipe is also great.

    edit: Another benefit is that you can add your loyalty cards to Google Wallet so if you are in Lidl or Tesco just select your Lidl or Tesco Loyalty card it presents a QR code and you get it scanned then just tap your phone and you've paid.

    You can also add train tickets and tickets for events it's really well thought out.

    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  10. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    Blimey all this technology... I've been in Leyte too long!

    Depending on when you're next intending to visit, you might want to consider posting your twenties out to your kids... I don't often see then nowadays as they've got a P20 coin.
  11. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Yeah I'm aware of that, I'll spend them in a couple of weeks time, I keep a supply of these to pay the trikes, I do also try to collect the 20 peso coins when I can but they are not that common in Las Pinas yet.
  12. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    You can also add your Wise card to Google Wallet although I have not done so at this time.
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  13. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I'm wondering about this E-Travel thing. Do the details that you fill in appear on the screen when you check in?

    I've been to The Philippines twice now since it was introduced and nobody has yet made any effort to check the QR code - either in UK or Phils.
  14. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Hey @oss @Maharg it's strangely fortunate I visited and saw this. We are going back to the Philippines next week for first time in nearly ten years. To your knowledge are there any other systems we need to register with? I'm not sure what electronically needs to be done and the last time I visited it was paper forms...
  15. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    You need to fill this in within 72 hours of Travel. Philippine Travel Information System

    You can do the whole family in one account, but make sure you get all 3 QR codes (sometimes I found the website a bit unclear, one example being I applied for 3 people and got a QR code. Only later did I realise I actually had 3 QR codes and had missed 2!)

    I loaded them all onto my phone but, as I said before, nobody checked it at any time.

    Also, make sure you fill it in from that link. It is free, but if you google it you might get sent to a website that charges you to fill one in. The link I posted is the one from the gov.uk website.
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  16. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Thanks. On the site it looks like there is an app that you can install on your phone and upload documents and details too. We are looking at it all now.
  17. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Can you please report back after your trip on the actuals at the airport, we are planning to go Christmas time
  18. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Sure thing. We installed the app from the link above (eGovPh) and uploaded passport and details and bumph. It reckons you can only register to travel 72 hours before departure so will do it, get the codes, and note who is interested when we arrive.
  19. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The eGovPH thing is really for native Filipinos, use the etravel.gov.ph/en/dashboard website, the credentials are specific to each method it's not unified credentials.

    On the website you can register your details upload photos etc and it will remember you next time you travel.

    They ask for more details these days than they used to but you only enter once.

    If I were you treat it as 72 hours before scheduled arrival time not your scheduled departure time and remember to take the 8 hour time difference into account.

    edit: from memory they no longer check QR codes because it's all online and probably on the passenger manifests now or indexed on the country and passport number.

    They do know if you didn't complete the forms as I've seen many foreigners desperately filling in the forms on their phones after being turned back at the immigration desk.
  20. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Yes - of course thanks for pointing that out.

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