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Started a diet and training regime this week

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Kuya, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Yup, finally did it. I wrote last year in the blog entry the road back how I was planning on getting back into the gym, embarking on a new diet and in the long term I have the goals of losing weight, gaining fitness and generally changing my lifestyle..

    Lofty goals.. But I think I'm ready this time.

    I used to train for years, often 8 to 13 times each week but never shifted the weight and the reason is because I generally ate rubbish. Pizzas, kebabs, burgers... My drink of choice was Coca-Cola! :eek:

    Anyway, this last week after planning for some time to take the plunge and go for it this time, I finally kicked off the training and dieting.

    My diet is a calorific restrictive diet but with plenty of vegetables, lean meats, wholemeal pastas, breads and rice. And out goes the fizzy pop, even the diet ones! I keep to 1,600 calories a day, but once a week I can treat myself. And when I say treat I mean have a good meal that I might be craving, or some chocolates or cakes. Yes, I know you could "in theory" have a daily calorie intake of 1,600 calories and get a Big Mac in there but it would really cause problems due to the fact a Big Mac is not as filling as the equivalent calories made up of Chicken, vegetables and some brown rice if cooked correctly..

    Not to mention the fact that all calories are not the same! I mean, besides calories what else does say a Big Mac provide?

    Training.. So far this week I've done a little cardio and weight training exercises. However, today is only my real hard slog in the gym. The other sessions this week had been to get in the habit of just going! It will be weights mainly, with a couple of cardio days thrown in to boost my stamina. Then I plan to get some Yoga in to help with my back problems (though the weights should help there with lower back exercises) and finally I'll be back on the mat doing some MMA again.

  2. Carf

    Carf New Member


    I wish to diet but I work long hours and often skip breakfast and miss meals which result in me grabbing sweets for my sweet tooth...

    Not being a good cook means I often eaten quick and easy frozen meals...

    I am on the lookout for somewhere that can give me a week to week menu I can easily follow.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. yuna

    yuna Cat Lover Staff Member

    You can do it Kuya! Good luck! :)
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  4. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    They say that an average man/woman requires 2500 / 2000 calories per day but that of course is average and possibly UK average.

    Anyone ever wondered how many calories a 4ft 11" Filipina might ideally need. I suspect it is likely to be considerably less than 2000......
  5. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Probably around 1,800 calories, or more if she has an active lifestyle or works a job that requires a lot..

    For my build, 2,500 is about right for a good lifestyle. So I am currently at a deficit of about 900 calories per day.
  6. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The odd thing is that the bigger you are the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR), really big guys like me have a BMR around 2500 calories a day even though I have a sedentary lifestyle sitting at a computer all day writing programs.

    Overall weight feeds into the BMR as you lose weight your BMR drops, that is why you need some exercise to compensate, since my car died that has, for me, been walking everywhere, despite the desk job I walk a few miles every day so my total calorific usage is up in the 2900 region, I know this via strict weight recording and strict documentation of my food consumption, one can reverse engineer your daily burn from weight loss (or lack of weight loss), time and accurate calorie intake data.

    A lassie weighing about 98 lbs and aged mid 30's with a sedentary lifestyle will burn about 1500 kcal a day, height does not matter so much, active lifestyle does, active lifestyle can push the calorie needs up to 2000 or more.
  7. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. :like:

    Makes sense too!
  8. rLightning

    rLightning New Member

    Had the same dilemma. Glued my eyes in the monitor for 9 hours everyday. Try making meals the day before your work best if you can wake up earlier to prepare your food. Often, I just steam fresh fish or chicken in the morning then topped it with tomatoes and pineapple bits. You can actually be creative with easy to prepare foods. As for the lack of exercise, try standing without using your hands to push strength on your abdomen and legs. Learned it from
    and I'm quite relieved that I'm getting fit and more hyped at work. I can even manage stress gracefully.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2014
  9. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Ride a bike.
    You hardly ever see an overweight cyclist!
    Hurts your bum when you start though :eek:
  10. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    a Big Mac is not as filling

    ive had no complaints thus far !!
  11. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

  12. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry :eek:

    I can't imagine any bike that would help him......
  13. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    I to have started again after sitting at 105kg for while, I hate being over a 1/10 tonne!!! At work is easy for me.
    On my midnight - midday shift
    3 weetabix for breakie, cup of green tea, a tabnab, lunch is at breakfast time for me so 2 poached eggs on toast and beans, tabnab, then down the gym for 30-45 cardiovascular. Protein shake straight after. Do that for two weeks.

    After shift change it gets harder because I'm getting more of the big meals in the mess so my food intake does go up. But last trip , including basically no training for 10 for one reason or another I lost 3 in 4 weeks.

    It's harder at home because food us on tap and so is booze which in no way shape or form I can resist.

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