Mr. Beckham, please.........

Discussion in 'Sport Talk' started by Aromulus, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Go forth and multiply...........

    You are past your sell by date, and although you have been a successful and outstanding player in your days, take any ideas of taking part in the Olympics out of your pea brained mind.

    The Olympics is a celebration of the future, and not a pondering of past glories.
    You would do it only for personal and vain reasons, nothing else..........

    And if Lord Coe, allows this to happen, then he is no better ........

    David,........ Stay in LA and keep counting your millions, rolling in by the day.........
  2. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Say what you like about him I wouldn't mind being a shilling behind him though!!

    I think it would be a mistake for him to play, maybe have some sort of coaching role on the staff could be an idea.

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