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Child Settlement Visa

Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by kookieroo, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to ask about my Daughter's settlement visa. I got my ILR last March 2012 and its time for us to apply for my daughters visa application next month. We want her to join us here in the UK on July this year.

    I am only earning 15,000 a year and I got my ILR last March 2012, is it better that she is under my sponsorship?

    I understand that I dont need to meet the financial requirement.

    My husband is British and Im confused which one is better with regards to Sponsoring her. My husband is earning more than me.
    I am the sole responsible for her as there no fathers name on her birth certificate.
    I would really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance.:)

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2013
  2. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Pretty sure your combined income would be called into question here considering you are married!

    Anyone else?
  3. bagyo

    bagyo New Member

    Hi Kuya! This is slightly off topic but I sent you a message! Hope you could respond. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! :)
  4. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Check your inbox :)
  5. bagyo

    bagyo New Member

    I replied again! Thanks!
  6. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    How old is your daughter ?
    When was the last time you saw her / lived with her ?
    Who is looking after her ?

    You WILL need to provide substantial evidence that you have 'sole responsibility'. I have no idea on your circumstance so I cannot give an indication of just how difficult or easy this would be, but it's a serious factor that you must carefully consider.
    Here's something on Sole Responsibility from UKBA
    Are you able to submit evidence such as supporting letters from your daughter's school/teachers, from doctors or priests etc. to state how you make a the major decisions that effect her life ?
    How about financial supports? You'll need some evidence of that

    Yes, you are correct that you will not be required to meet the current Financial Requirement as you had 'settled status prior to 9 July 2012
    You'll just need to prove there is adequate and appropriate maintenance and accommodation here in UK for the child without recourse to public funds.

    From the information you've shared I believe the application form you'll need is VAF4A Appendix 1- Family Settlement & Family Reunion
    Here's an example of that form for your review.

    If you have any specific questions please post them here
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  7. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    Hi Micawber,

    Thank you very for your reply. I did provide some documents like the western union transfer to my mom as she is the guardian of my 14 year old daughter and letter from her pediatrician The last time I saw her was last year when I went on holiday to Philippines. I hope it will be easy and they will consider my application. As I said fathers name is not on her birth certificate so I assume they will not look for more evidence.
    Appreciate your help and reply :)
  8. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Did you follow the link I provided on Sole Responsibility?
    You really need to centre your focus on that aspect and research all you can on how to best convince the UKBA.
    Yes you will need to show evidence of regular financial support.
    Given that the fathers name is not on the birth certificate will certainly be a big help for you and will avoidthe need to provide a whole raft of evidence on that aspect.So that's a positive.

    The 'sole responsibility' rule can cause many applications to be very complex, as the meaning of the term cannot be precise. Every family’s situation is unique.

    Personally, I have not seen any written information from The UKBA on specifically how to prove Sole Responsibility status.

    But you will need to think about the documentary evidence you need how to consatisfy the UKBA that you have been the main person exercising parental responsibility for your daughter by providing the large majority of financial and emotional support required.
    You must clearly show, with examples, that you've had, and continue to have, care and control of your daughter.
    Who has been entrusted with day to day care and control of the child since the sponsoring parent migrated ?

    Proof of paying school and medical bills, whilst important, will not on it's own satisfy UKBA

    The following factors should be considered when preparing documentary evidence to be used in assessing sole responsibility:

    How long has the sponsoring parent been separated from the child?
    What were the arrangements for the care of the child before and after the sponsoring parent migrated?
    If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what has been / what is the sponsoring parent's relationship with the child?
    Has the sponsoring parent consistently supported the child by:-
    - direct personal care
    - by regular and substantial financial remittances?, and in what proportions is the cost of the child's care and upbringing borne?
    - by making the important decisions about the child's upbringing? (for example where the child lives, the choice of school, religious practice etc?)
    - by enabling a significant degree of contact and communication.

    The outcome of any Sole Responsibility centred application depends largely on its own particular facts and circumstances, and the ability of the sponsoring parent to provide evidence.

    In those cases where a child fails to qualify for a visa under the Sole Responsibility rule, there may alternatively be a case for entry to the UK on the grounds that there are serious and compelling family,or other reasons, that make an exclusion from the UK undesirable and not in the best interests of the child.
    However, the requirement of ‘serious and compelling family or other reasons’ may be difficult to satisfy.
    It would not be sufficient to simply compare the harsh and poor conditions in the child’s country with better conditions in the UK.

    Hope I've given some food for thought anyway.

    Best of luck
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2013
  9. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    HI Sir,

    Thank you for your help. My daugther submitted all her requirements today 8th April, so fingers crossed I hope everything will turn out fine. Im a bit worried with all the new rules of UKBA keeps on changing.

    Again, Thank you for your advices :)
  10. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    I wish you good luck and look forward to your post telling us all that you'll soon be togther here in UK :like:
  11. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    Thsnk you very much for your wishes! :)
  12. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    I recoeved 3 emails today, the last one said Your visa will be dispatched shortly.

    The first email was A decision on your visa has been mase by the British Emabassy.

    What does this mean, my daughter got her visa or not?

    Its scary until she recieved her visa via courier?
  13. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    It means the visa has been approved. It is quite normal to receive 2 such emails. The difference is in the source of the email. One will be from the embassy saying the visa has been granted and the other from VFS saying that the application has been processed.

  14. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    Thank you so much.
    I phoned my mom and my daughter and they said the UK Embassy Manila phoned them this morning and was asking for missing Tuberculosis test. It was submitted to them but they coudnt find it. After 30 minutes of telling my mom that its not there and my mom is insisting that its been submitted.

    I cant believed that they phoned my mom about the missising documents tha they coudnt find when its actually been submitted to them!

    Then they spoke to my daughter and asked her how old she is?

    I really hope that they've approved her visa after a long wait.
  15. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    I have seen a lot of results of such applications and without exception if it says "your visa will be dispatched shortly" then it means exactly that. Having said that, dont pop the champagne cork till you actually get sight of the visa in the passport.

    A piece of good news is that they actually took the trouble to phone you. Often they dont do even that much.
  16. kookieroo

    kookieroo New Member

    We're so happy and delighted, after 9 weeks of waiting for her ILR application.

    She got her ILR yesterday.

    Thank God!

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