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Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by Nickel, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. Nickel

    Nickel Active Member

    Has anyone used DLA for financial requirement on FLR2?
    Has anyone has DLA but prefers to used combined State and private pension to meet financial requiremeny on FLR2?
  2. CatchFriday

    CatchFriday British Expat living in Alicante, Spain

    Are you talking about disability living allowance?
    I know that if you have that they cannot expect you to have the financial that they require and I know some people who got through with it
  3. Nickel

    Nickel Active Member

    Yes Disability Living Allowance..Yes i understand it exempts you from the financial requirement,but we don't want to make use of it as he meets the requirement.
    I am on the process of my online application for FLR 2 and on the Finance part that's the first part.Yes my husband receives DLA but on my previous visas we used his private and state pensions.
    With this new online application,if you used DLA it is asking a lot of documents which i don't have some and could cause delayin finishing my application on time..I reckon it would be best to use the 18600 financial requirement as i had all documents ready.
    Follow up question:
    Is there a way to put these 2 pensions along the way?I'm stuck on part 3 because we have to wait dor some documents from DWP.We had phoned requesting for it and we found out that the documents were just sitting at their office.Sucks!They will yet to send it and this is why i want to get on with my application not using the DLA.
  4. CatchFriday

    CatchFriday British Expat living in Alicante, Spain

    So follow your gut intuition as i am not an expert.

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