Mmm, got several minutes into the linked film and all I saw was a lot of extremist propoganda. Not my kettle of fish thanks. Please discuss!
Insert links please John. We should not have to search for things that you could easily point us to. Same with thread titles. If you are more specific, people can choose to ignore or investigate further. Thanks.
Mike The suggested viewpoint from myself is contained on one of the links provided by yourself as a consequence there is no need to go searching! Might I suggest that not only the main body of links are digested but also the comments of others. Just saying one should read the full link. I wont be commenting further
It's not contained in any of Mike's links, it is in a comments section of a link and has one single entry. Given that most fully public blog, news and article comment sections are full of trolls and disinformation, I personally don't feel I need to read the comments there, the discussion here and comments here are on the article, not the comments linked to the article. Personally I don't agree with the vegan ideal, my eldest daughter is vegan and I have friends in Scotland who are vegan, the Scottish friends are not that healthy to be honest. Here are some links to Mr Melov: One last point many blogs and news sources use Disqus as their comment platform and very often it does not show up properly on a web page, I've lost count of the number of times a comments section fails to appear, usually a blessing when it fails to appear.
Thanks Keith. I talk to a lot of people these days who are on the verge of becoming vegan but they cannot quite do it, and I can fully understand the problems that they perceive. My wife cooks so much vegan food for me and she takes it out of the freezer on a daily basis to be heated and popped into flasks for the day. I could not do it without her and she is an amazing lady but she knows it is better for my health so it is for the better. The link to the documentary is here because the documentary made me change and the health benefits were such a bonus because I have never felt better and wished I had become vegan many years ago. I was vegetarian for some years but fell off the wagon because there wasn't a moral standpoint to keep it all going. Lose weight and feel good about helping animals to stop being slaughtered. What's not to like about that?
One of my daughters today is celebrating two years as a vegan her daughter (my grand-daughter ) eight years
Fish last night my meat consumtion has dramatically reduced although I still hanker for home produced Goat and Bacon