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Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by subseastu, May 15, 2012.

  1. pinkishdiamond

    pinkishdiamond New Member

    This topic is very interesting. I like it, you guys are making me think!
  2. pinkishdiamond

    pinkishdiamond New Member

    So, in this time of recession, is it wise to invest money abroad, e.g. The Philippines?

    Any good "small business" ideas that will survive in times like this?
  3. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Personaly I invest in a stocks and shares ISA. This is a long term invest so in theory a recession is good for me as the market prices are lower so I can but more shares for the same amount of money. This only works of course if the markets pick up in the future, which hopefully they will.
  4. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Well the wife has a friend who along with her husband have brought 12 houses in 4 years at auction and rent them out. The vast majority double in value from purchased price to them finished doing them up. Its a good thing to get into if you can. They are worth £750,000 on paper at the moment which in real terms once you discount the mortgages is about 350000 - 400000!!!!!!
  5. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member


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