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Halal meat...........

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by Aromulus, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    In the past few days it has been revealed in the media that the use of Halal meat is well widespread in the Uk and a vast majority of people don't know what the "Halal" method of butchering animals is....
    It starts as a religious requirement for Muslims....

    Apparently the tiniest amount of blood left in the meat is unclean, so the practice is to cut the animals throat with a very sharp knife, and wait until it bleeds to death in spasms of pain while choking on its own blood...
    Experts (?) say that it takes the animal 2 to 3 minutes to die, suffering all the time during the process...

    What is wrong with stunning the animal before the cutting...?
    It is an intensely cruel and middle ages method and should not take place in today's society.

    The Uk, prides itself in being a nation of animal lovers, jumping to arms, as soon as a couple of dolphins are caught by some starving japanese fishermen, or play hell if some seal pups get clubbed for their fur, or even, heaven's forbid a Korean happens to eat dog meat, or a chinese skins a cat by immersing it in boiling hot oil while still alive...
    A woman received death threats, apart from a criminal record, for throwing a cat in a wheelie bin.....

    And yet, we condone cruelty on a large scale, such as Halal Butchery, going on without a whimper on our own doorstep...

    I am not ranting, I am just wondering why the Uk at large, wants to show such a hypocrite image of itself to the world............
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  2. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    The UK is a strange country at times.
  3. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    There is still a lot of debate to be had on this issue. Some research has been done into the stunning of animals before slaughter which suggests it causes intense pain and suffering for the animal prior to slaughter.

    I for one am not opposed to Halal mean in general, I often find myself eating it and recently spent an evening in a Muslim birthday party (I quite litterally played pass the parcel and won a small bottle of aftershave) and ate Halal chicken and what not.

    I am against halal meat by stealth as it is against the rules of Sikhs to eat any meat that has been ritually slaughtered, so in effect we give special privileges to one minority whilst discriminating against another:rolleyes:

    I have no problem with Halal food for Muslims and none halal food for anyone else. Though as a percentage of about 2% of the country, we should not alter the UK school menu to suit them, only in Muslim schools....
  4. adamchryss

    adamchryss Member Lifetime Member

    That's how they kill pigs in Pi too...

    Goats are killed by forcing them to drink loads of vinegar, don't know why though...
  5. dennie

    dennie Member

    I think the reason why UK government gave an emphasis on HALAL meat the past days is probably they are thinking of have a business merge with some sort of muslim community. As muslim community only eats HALAL meat so to speak so I think the government might have thought this kind of action might give boost to the economy since UK resto's might be able to prepare meals with HALAL meat in there menu that would in return give incomes to UK resto establishment and the government.
  6. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    The lack of choice in the matter and all the secrets makes one think, wether our rulers are all in agreement in pandering to religious minorities....

    Why do we have to bend over backward, to accomodate other cultures whims, barbaric religious practices and customs, while getting just disrespect and disdain in return?

    Why do we have to rename our major religious festivals to something that doesn't sound offending to non Christians...???
    But on the same token we get reminded ad nauseam of when their various festivals are and what they are called..?
    I get offended by that, but nobody cares about my feelings.

    I reckon that some dedicated "Halal" shops would go a treat, as it wouldn't be shoved down our throat by stealth and deceit, and it would create real lifestyle choice.

    Or maybe I am too set in my ways....
  7. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Well, to a degree I agree with you. Islam does indeed have practices that are indeed barbaric. It is in the sharia to kill Muslims who reject Islam, so if a Muslim in Pakistan decided he wanted to become a Christian or whatever, they would kill him:shock: Stoning still happens and is condoned under religious law...

    Though I know a few Muslims and their opinions on such matters differ, but the Islamic practice of halal slaughter is pretty much the same as Jewish Kosher, and that never got a squeal from anybody (although you have to look high and low for Kosher meat).

    That is usually done by over sensitive idiots! People who think to make certain minority groups feel welcome we need to reduce the importance of things like Christmas. And it always fails.. Muslims don't try to get Christmas downplayed but foolish uber liberals are usually keen to think they know how not to offend and ultimately end up causing offence.

    But the sad truth with Muslims here in the UK is that you don't have to look far for a group of crazy Koran quoting men in beards calling for the implementation of sharia and telling all in earshot how they would deal out some justice to Geert Wilders or whoever they have chosen as the enemy. And of course for many more Muslims, they are getting the brunt of this as they as a whole are being demonised.:(
  8. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member


    while reading this post, I was thinking that maybe.. just maybe... we (the non-muslims) gave them too much importance because we are somehow scared to offend them for fear that they will resort to bombing something... it is unfair actually for non-muslims... i even feel that christians are more discriminated here... for instance, muslim students are excused from school so they can go back to their country and celebrate ramadan while Catholics are not excused for holy week...

    I salute France for not allowing burkas worn for security reason... and it isn't fair that any other women can be body checked but the ones wearing burkas can't... there has to be an exeption somehow..
  9. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Well, I think to be fair. Christians, to a small extent are being discriminated against! And I say that as an Atheist!!

    Do Muslims get preferential treatment, without a shadow of a doubt they do! In the office where I work we have two prayer rooms (one for men and one for women) as well as an area for Muslims to wash themselves. Now, these prayer rooms are labeled as "Mutli Faith".. Yeah right, just as a way to get round discrimination laws as nothing of the sort is provided for Sikhs, Christians or Jews.. In fact I have joked that if I were Jewish I would use the prayer room just because I know a few of the people using it hate Jews.

    And yes. A Burka is blatantly sexist and for a number of reasons I think they should be banned, which is kind of upsetting as I like to think of myself as a Liberal and it is a very illiberal thing to say. But there are men up and down this country who refuse to let their wife leave the house with her face uncovered:mad: I would propose a ban simply to force these backwards people to change their ways, forget the security issue, it is shameful that women are made to feel inferior and need to cover up. That alone is a good enough reason to fight this Iron age mentality.
  10. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member

    I agree..

    We got a few students wearing burka and I found them in the toilet removing it and breathing heavily and sometimes fanning their face.. I can't imagine covering my face the entire day!
  11. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    There is no way that is out of choice! Those poor girls are being forced through either family or peer pressure to wear one.... :mad:

    So, you get men forcing their daughters to wear one, then later a husband will be found who will keep up the same demand. And all the while liberal elites will insist on diversity/multiculturalism and the feminists in this country will turn a blind eye to this...
  12. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Without generalizing too much, I would impose a blanket ban on it anywhere in public.

    That would be the same for Christians sporting huge crosses in plain view, or whatever.
  13. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Getting back on topic...

    View the full story here:confused:
  14. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    its was pretty hell hell down our local slaughter hoiuse from the sound of the baboys screams at the weekend:sick:

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