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Holiday in the Philippines

Discussion in 'Travel Tips and Advice' started by Maricar, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Maricar

    Maricar New Member

    Hello everyone.,

    After almost 8 years we will be finally having our holiday in the Philippines.

    Since it has been awhile, just wondering if they are anything we should have and do before getting into our flights and arriving in Manila.

    Husband and children have their PH and British passports, it's only me who have the PH passport only.

    Thanks in advance. X
  2. Br28016

    Br28016 Active Member Trusted Member


    Have to register and fill out etravel for everyone.

    You need to fill out before leaving

    PH and British passports for everyone on arrival and departure to avoid travel tax. You will need to do exemption and need your BRP when leaving to avoid the travel tax. If husband is British only then in theory marriage certificate if your passport is still in maiden name and want Balikbayan visa. If British and filipino do make sure he has done the swearing of allegiance at embassy to get citizenship back as whilst I can't confirm for definite could have issues if they discover both passports and no oath to reacquire citizenship.

    Have a great holiday.
  3. Maricar

    Maricar New Member

    Thank you. My husband's mum is a Filipina. When she reacquired her Filipino citizenship my husband got the Filipino Citizenship through naturalisation. So if I'm not mistaken I don't think he needs to swear his allegiance. I have to double check with him.
    He is always been using the PH passport anyway when arriving to the PH before.

    Thank you for the tip about etravel. I will have a look at it. Also where can we show my BRP to have the travel tax exemption.?

    Thanks for the advice..x
  4. Br28016

    Br28016 Active Member Trusted Member

    On our trip back last year we went to travel tax desk where normally pay and showed BRP and passports and got an exemption for wife there. Seem to remember one of kids with dual passports didn't need it. Rest of us were on british passports and under thirty days so no issues.

    Sounds like your husband is fine and if been in and out on both passports previously then not an issue.
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  5. PhilPensioner

    PhilPensioner Active Member

    Anyone who has a Philippines passport is of course a Citizen of that country....as with anyone who holds a British passport. Hold both (as my sons do) = Dual National.
  6. Maricar

    Maricar New Member

    Yes, of course whoever holds a passport of the country is the citizen of said country..however my question originally is do we have to do anything else aside from the obvious of bringing passports and important docs when travelling back to the PH because it has been awhile since we went there. Just in case there are any changes with regards to laws and rules..

    Anyway I think we should be all okay, I just want to make sure we don't forget anything and have a hassle arriving there.

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  7. PhilPensioner

    PhilPensioner Active Member

    Just make sure to do the online eTravel thing for each of you, and any one of you holding dual nationality, take and present both passports. If hubby wants a Balikbayan stamp...make sure you have your marriage cert with you (though they probably won't bother to ask). He may as well get the extended stay...just in case. I'm sure nothing major has changed, Immigrationwise. Happy holidays ! :like:
  8. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    I have always said I doubt that I would go back to visit the Philippines (other countries on the bucket list) but if my wife goes home during her current holiday year (April to March) I may go with her, I'm just pissed off with the UK weather yesterday I had a thick coat on around the house, three layers on outside and it's supposed to be summer.
  9. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Had a few storms during the night recently, heavy rain. Had to put a tee-shirt on when I went to bed, it got down to 26c at night. Warmed up during the day back to 32c.
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  10. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    What about the CFO ?
  11. Maricar

    Maricar New Member

    Oh CFO?? Do I still need it?? I've had the seminar and the sticker on my old passport, the first time I left the country with spouse visa.
    Now I have the ILR. Do I still need it every time I leave the Philippines?
  12. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    I don't know - seem to remember someone needing a new certificate because they'd not brought their old passport with the sticker :)

    Maybe you should check it out.
  13. Maricar

    Maricar New Member

    I will be bringing my old passport anyway to show it to them. I'm just wondering if there's any expiration on the sticker and if I do need to get it every time I leave Pinas.
    I have messaged them as well. Hope I can get a reply from them on time.

    Thanks for the help.
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  14. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    You only need to attend a CFO once, and you have done this! No need to attend again, handy to keep old passport with you but I doubt you will be asked for the CFO.

    Enjoy your holiday
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Maricar

    Maricar New Member

    Thank you! Glad to have the reassurance!
    Will be always bringing the old passport + BRP of course with me when travelling. That's until I get my British passport.
    Thanks Again.
  16. Br28016

    Br28016 Active Member Trusted Member

    Visit to Philippines last year wife had the old passport available with CFO sticker in it but don't remember showing that passport. New Philippines Passport in married name didn't have any UK visa stickers or CFO sticker. Traveling with me and kids on foreign passports so not sure if that makes a difference.

    Used the BRP with passport at travel tax section at airport to get the exemption from travel tax for wife who was only one who potentially had to pay.
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