hello I'm planning on getting married in the philippines. I understand the British Embassy, as of sometime in 2021 are no longer allowing appointments and have advised us to get our documents notarised with a local lawyer. I am single and am not married. Does anyone know what the current documents I need apostilled in order for me to be sworn in oath with my Affidavit of Marital Status, which I have downloaded from off the British Embassy in Manila web page. Lastly I'm fully aware that I'm unable to apply for a Certificate of No impediment. Is a Letter of No Trace acceptable ? Your help would be much appreciated thanks
Hi I got married in the Philippines in 2015 and since then the process has got slicker. As you have done you have your affidavit and can now normally be sworn as a true record at many local council offices ( check with the nearest office. Never heard or used a letter of no trace it’s not a requirement. No you don’t have to get documents motorised.
According to the British Embassy website all UK documents have to be legalised before they can be used in the philippines to get married but the exact requirements are not mentioned. In fact it just mentions that an Affidavit of Marital Status also known as Legal Capacity Marry. I contacted the local registry office in the City of where I intend to get married and they told me I have to get Legal Capacity to marry which used to be done at the British Embassy but since 2021 this has changed and is now done at Local Notary Public and requires a notary stamp. I did check with a local lawyer he confirmed that apostille is now required with all UK documents but requested I bring certificate of no marriage CNI but the UK GRO office only supplies Letters of No Trace. Its such a stressful ordeal since the changes. I cannot find anywhere online to check if this Letter of No Trace is accepted.
Your guide is in the link below. We had to go to Manila for my affidavit swearing the oath they wanted my divorce papers had to be stamped in YUK court ( but they all are) and 2 forms of identification did the oath then went to local office they produced all paperwork and we got wed. My wife is now a British Citizen. Not a solicitor or notary in sight https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/marriage-in-the-philippines
I had to do similar to Mattecube ie visit the embassy and do the swearing on oath etc etc, However may I suggest you ask your partner to visit her local city hall to find out if there are additional local requirements such as for my wife and me, we had to jump through numerous hoops, Cenomar for my wife, Cenomar for me, Tree Planting Certificate, Marriage Counselling, and something else but i cant recall what it was, this was for a Civil Wedding at the City hall, with the Deputy Mayor officiating.. The locals seemed to place greater importance on the local requirements than on the shall we say International documents.. Good luck.
Hey. I have been speaking to a local lawyer it's actually really straight forward and not as bad as I was thinking. I only require my CENOMAR from PSA, Birth Certificate, Passport and other Valid UK I.D and will go to him for notary public stamp. They're no longer administering it at the British Embassy anymore.
Check with the City Hall, and get your wife to go their and go with her (like I did) if you are over there.. there may be no need for lawyers or such like..
Im in the UK currently. Can you remember if you had to get your birth certificate legalised (apostille) before the local LCR accept it?
Mattecube is exactly right, no need for Lawyers especially with you being single, but if you want to waste your hard earned go ahead..
I fly out Thursday this week so it's all sorted. Just need to present passport, PSA CENOMAR, the affidavit of marital status which the LCR said has to be notarized at the lawyers office it costs only 300 pesos and a copy of birth certificate and attend pre marriage seminar.
@Mikester1989 did everything go smoothly any problems or hiccups. I Plan to get married around sept-oct 2023 so need advise on the requirements - we plan to marry in church and i know that brings a whole load of document requirements(headache) with it. any advise to make it easier and anyone who has had a church wedding is welcome to advise pls