Further to my previous health warning thread, here is a very important follow up. This one is from Travax, and it is used regularly by the NHS in the UK to advise travellers about which and what jabs to have pripr to departure. http://www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk/home.aspx I came across this a couple of days ago, when I booked Jet in at the Docs for her inoculations, before going back to Cebu on holiday next week. Due to work, and a certain lack of a common liquid commodity, but uncommon in my wallet, I cannot make it this year. Never mind, I can OD on sleep for a month.... Surely sooner or later, a member or the other from some other obscure place will find this thread and copy and paste the link over...... Yup, that's what we are here for.... To help. Oh by the way.... unless you access the link from this forum, a nasty little trojan will download as default into your machine....