Hi, i'm not not one for intro's and whatnot, i just joined for advice and info. I was wondering if anyone has any insight as to when and if ever the pcr testing and quarantine for unvaccinated travellers will end? I see no email address to contact the Philippine government. Have been trying to find out via different sources but unsuccessfully.
While we are on the subject of Phillipines and Covd, can someone confirm what this means. "Accompanied children below 15 years of age shall follow the same protocols as their accompanying parent/s or guardian." Does this mean what I think it does, that if the parents have a Covid vaccination then any under-15 travelling with them doesn't need one?
[Q UOTE="Maharg, post: 242573, member: 382"]While we are on the subject of Phillipines and Covd, can someone confirm what this means. "Accompanied children below 15 years of age shall follow the same protocols as their accompanying parent/s or guardian." Does this mean what I think it does, that if the parents have a Covid vaccination then any under-15 travelling with them doesn't need one?[/QUOTE] I would suggest that it maybe means whatever choices the parents have made re vaccination and what follows on from those choices in line with the gov protocols, that the "minor" will be required to accompany them due to them being the parents responsability due to that child not being classed as an adult yet. So basicly the kid just has to endure whatever based on the path the parents choices take them all.
I have recently left and re-entered the Phils with my 7 year-old son, and can confirm that yes, the child follows the 'classification' of the accompanying adult. (I've had all the jabs) . They didn't check my/our jab certificates anyway. Looks like things will ease up soon: https://www.philstar.com/headlines/...health-emergency-over-covid-19-what-will-mean