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Pinoy sweet treats, cookies, etc

Discussion in 'Culture and Food' started by yuna, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. yuna

    yuna Cat Lover Staff Member

    has anyone tried some of sweet treats on the vid? :like: :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2014
  2. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    No I haven't, Yuna.
    I'm hungry now after watching the video though :D
  3. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Fascinating Majah ;) :D

    The only thing I have ever tried from this lot is the Nagaraya Cracker Nuts :)

    Coming from Scotland I have a very sweet tooth but one good thing is that the Philippine sweets and treats are so different to Scotland that I tend not to eat any when I am at home in the Phils, I do though eat some of the savoury cheesy snacks with the odd beer I think these are some of the Oishi products.

    Some of the ones in that vid looked good though, the Curly Tops looked like my kind of thing :D I wil need to try those sometime :)
  4. yuna

    yuna Cat Lover Staff Member

    so scots are naturally sweet toothed? no wonder... now I know :D and yeah from what I heard nagaraya crackers are best with beers! one of the fave 'pulutan' of filipinos :)
  5. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Yes we have a reputation for very bad teeth probably even worse than the English.

    I grew up with boiled sweeties which are basically various different forms of boiled re-crystallised sugar, things like Soor Plooms (sour plums) Kola Cubes, GobStoppers and Edinburgh Rock.

    We also have a reputation for very very bad diet overall, sadly all too true.

    Here in the UK pulutan for beer tends be be restricted to various kinds of salty nuts and various flavours of crisps (potato chips) generally there is not a lot of choice here.
  6. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Kola cubes are amazing.... Soooo bad for the teeth though :(
  7. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    That video was interesting Yuna. :like:

    Here's my experience on those:-

    Curly Tops - I tried once but a little too sweet for me. Very milky chocolaty creamy
    Nagaraya - Also widely available here in UK (especially Adobo flavour at the Barrio Fiesta's).
    Sampolac - I'm just not so fond of Tamarind eaten this way. Tamarind is good in cooking though. Mmm Sinigang.
    Pillows - I've never seen those before.
    Jacobina - I've never seen these either.
    Pacencia - I do remember trying these. I had some homemade ones at a local fiesta. They're thick light and crunchy bisquits.
    I remember thinking they reminded me of those French macarons rather than Spanish bisquits.
    Cloud 9 - I don't remember ever having seen these either.
    Choc-O-Star - Never seen this either
    HiRo - I don't think I've ever seen these, but it sounds they are a bit like oreo's.(I don't care for Oreo's)
    Nips - I have tried these and to me they're pretty much like M&M's (except it's easy for me to scoff a whole bag of M&M's but not Nips - sorry)

    Some of my faves I'd like to add include:-

    Peanut Brittle
    Dried Mango
    Durian Candy (That's not me that's only my wife)

    I don't really have a sweet tooth and hardly ever eat sweets or chocolates. Mind you if I get a craving for chocolate I can really eat a lot. Hehe
  8. yuna

    yuna Cat Lover Staff Member

    thats 'pulburon' mick :)

    I tried some of the candies and biscuits on the vid but since I dont have a sweet tooth, I dont enjoy them that much. But I once got addicted to Pillows :like: and that is highly recommended as it really is delicious and really nice to eat...Pacencia is eggnog - one of my faves :) :like: actually, I was suprised why her friend didnt gave her sweets like the ones you mentioned - pulboron, peanut brittle and dried mangoes because those three are quite famous sweet treats...:erm: i love biscocho as well specially when you dip it to coffee first before eating :) not a fan of durian candy...

    I love nuts in everything sweet - ice cream, with nuts! chocolate bars - with nuts! quite boring for me if they dont have nuts :) :erm::cry::yawn::D
  9. norm17

    norm17 Banned

    great...i love all those sweet stuffs you've posted...especially the curly tops,peanut brittle and pillows... :))

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