You tick all the boxes for getting a tourist visa. So why not give it a try? Make an application as an independendent person - no mention of a boyfriend etc (the home office will not consider it to be a real relationship if you have not met in person anyway). Then meet up and see. 19 is indeed very young hence the hesitation of his dad over everything. If you think about it, even if you get married tomorrow, you wont be able to get here in the uk since he needs to show proof that he can support you (he needs to be earning more than 18.6k£ per year). How will the two of you survive life together? If you two are in a genuine relationship, waiting for the perfect time (he needs to finish school and find a job, you also need to grow as a person) is the best option. You are both young.
We used to call them penpals! In a relationship,boyfriend together for a year. Lots of growing up to be done.
A sensitive issue with me perhaps. My 'boy' ... 24 now, married when IMO, too young, to an older girl, from another country. Divorced after 2 years. Fortunately, no kids. He was round at mine today, visiting. He's over it, but a sad affair. You can only try to advise, rather than interfere.
If you meet all the criteria re work , finance , etc you have a chance for a successful application . The biggest problem will be his age , and the fact that you haven't met yet . However , given what you have said , your biggest obstacle might be with the father . Is he happy for you to visit , let alone stay at his house . Sorry to sound negative , but I would proceed with caution to be honest , but try to understand that the boy's father is only looking after his sons welfare , even if he has formed a wrong opinion about you .
the father wanted me to go there instead i'm just worried that the visa might not be approved if I will tell the embassy about my bf
When I saw the title of this thread, I immediately though of the I.O.M TT races Yes, I thought, here is something I am really interested in, expecting messages of, here's how to watch the races in Philippines. Disappointed, but wish you well Giselle in your visa application.
I have downloaded a few TT videos from YouTube (including sidecars) to show to my trike-driving brothers-in-law. Oops... just hope they don't try to emulate them .
Well you will need to state on the visa application where you will be staying during your visit , so if you are not going to say you will be staying with your bf, you will need to have extra money in your bank account to cover your accommodation costs, even if it's only hostel . Good luck if you decide to apply , luckily it's not a really expensive visa to apply for .
Do you consider that you would be in a slightly vulnerable position staying in a stranger's house (you have not met the boy nor his father) in a foreign country? The father already seems apprehensive about you. If things don't work out, what would you do? You clearly have a lot of qualities. You appear intelligent and have earned/saved a good amount of money. Is this young boy worth spending such a large amount of *your* money? I don't know you personal circumstance, but saving that money again could take a lot of time and effort. Honestly, it sounds like you could do a lot better than this boy. Someone who will meet you half way or contribute at least equally to your first meeting.
Good points and advice from @PorkAdobo , @giselle . It's not without risks , to travel to the Uk to meet someone for the first time , even if your application is successful . That's why , if you mention your bf in your application , it will probably be refused .The Philippine government will be thinking what is best for you . I understand that you don't want to give him up, but it's going to be tough going to make it work in real . Given the circumstances with his father , maybe you will need to apply for a visa every year , just to spend a couple of weeks together . It's too soon , and your bf is too young, to even dream about getting married , that will be years away . It's obviously your decision , but it going to be a long hard expensive journey to try to make it work . Ideally you need someone , who is old enough and mature enough , to come to meet you in Philippines . Sorry , I know that's not what you want to hear , but you asked for advice , and people here will give you their well intended views .
Sadly I think the last two points sum it up. Not trying to sound at all critical and you sound very genuine Giselle but young love can sometimes be very strong and overwhelming especially when we dont always have full control of the situation . Good luck on your chosen path.