Alf Garnett: Well, I mean, see if we go into Europe... Else Garnett: I thought we was in Europe. I mean, I thought we always have been. Alf Garnett: I know that, yer silly moo. I'm not talking about that aspect am I? I'm talking about the Common Market aspect of the going into Europe. Alf Garnett: Old Enoch's against it, in't 'e, eh? He don't want no more bloody foreigners over here. We got enough bloody foreigners here as it is. Bloody country's swarming with Eities and Krauts and Froggies and Spagnollies and Brussel Sprouts. All coming over here and taking our jobs off of us, aren't they? Else Garnett: Well, we can go over there and take the jobs off of them. Alf Garnett: I don't want to go over there, do I? Else Garnett: Wish you would. R.I.P Warren!!
That only leaves Una Stubbs still alive and I think she could have a lot to say about Cliff Richard before she dies!
I saw his one man show back in the early 80,s I think at Stratford, a couple got barracked for arriving after he had started Warren asked the guy why he thought it was ok to arrive late ? the reply left alf momentarily speechless when he said "I heard the first 10 minuets wasnt very good" the guy got applause for that
Unfortunately IMO, the scripts played up to the wrong elements in the UK. Fortunately some of us didn't allow the xenophobia to penetrate our psyche - we married foreigners
I love the UK and all it's imperfections. Now that I have kids and see them in multi-cultural schools, I am proud of how the majority of people in the UK are as well as the teachers and agree 100% with the rules governing racial stereotyping. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else
It is pretty much consigned to the scrapheap now, Keith. It is an anachronism and should never be re-shown and doubt that it will ever surface again.
When I was growing up 'Till death us do part' taught me how NOT to be racist, Warren Mitchell played such a stupendous buffoon and he always lost out in the end.
British humour is quite often ironic..After all,Warren Mitchell was Jewish and supported Spurs for cryin out loud, unlike the Anti Semitic,anti Catholic anti "Nignog" ,anti Labour council and generally bigoted,West Ham supporter and character Alf Garnett.. Any semi intelligent person with half a brain would have been able to work that out! These days we are force fed what to say and think and what to watch by the P.C mob way way up there in that big ivory tower..There are still plenty of Alf Garnetts around..Its just that these days they have to mumble and bitch under their breath! End of an era? No..Just a dumbed down one IMO.
I used to watch West Ham at the Boleyn Ground as a teenager, with regularity along with immediate cousins for whom West Ham was in their blood and still is. We all watched Till Death Us Do Part throughout those times. Sir Alf was really sending people up during his shows. (As a teenager you can be forgiven for not seeing the irony though) Seen through the perceptive eyes of a young(ish) West Ham fan.....