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RC today

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by AndyRam, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    not again!!!!!!
  2. Markham

    Markham Guest

    It would appear that you are trying to fool us into believing a right load of old nonsense. Sorry but your explanation is entirely without merit or credibility.

    I've just checked: uncapped ADSL costs SEK 300 a month which is actually rather cheap (£26.69 at current rates).
  3. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Like a staffie biting on a kid's leg.......... won't let go........
  4. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    is he banned yet
  5. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

  6. Markham

    Markham Guest

    For those who are a bit perplexed by this "intermission", the person pretending to be a Swede is a soon-to-be four-times banned former member who keeps coming back in various disguises. Unfortunately for him, obviously not being the sharpest tool in the box, he's unable to present a believable persona.

    He claims to be Swedish but his name, Knute, is not Swedish at all - but is the Norwegian variant of the Danish name Canute.

    We will now return you to your normal programming.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2016
  7. Markham

    Markham Guest

  8. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    A year on (due to Virgin failing to release the CCTV footage)

  9. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Not quite the truth, though. As Guido reports:

    For some inexplicable reason the usual suspects for Corbyn are trying to rehash the whole #Traingate saga. Why? Why now? The New Statesman’s Jasper Jackson has taken a fair minded look at the “new never before seen footage”, that we’ve all seen before, from agit-prop video jockeys Double Down. According to Jackson, Double Down’s director is Yannis Mendez: "… the video maker who was being paid by Corbyn’s team to film footage on the train, and who pitched the Guardian the article. Mendez insisted that his friend, Anthony Casey, be given a joint byline under a pseudonym. (He was billed as “Charles B Anthony”.) This is what the Guardian’s readers’ editor found most objectionable about the story: a paid partisan activist operating as a journalist, without his affiliation being made clear to readers."

    This is what led the Guardian to distance themselves from the original bit of bylined agit-prop. The new video is basically a reinterpretation of the original claims.​

    Let Guido rehash the facts which are not in dispute;
    • Team Corbyn didn’t reserve a seat.
    • Corbyn himself said he found an empty single seat, but he wanted two adjacent.
    • Virgin staff offered Corbyn first class seats – which he declined.
    • The Virgin conductor later found Team Corbyn seats.
    • During the time between other seats being found (by upgrading other passengers) they filmed the now infamous agit-prop video.
    If Team Corbyn wasn’t so chaotic they would have organised booking seats in the first place. If they weren’t so prissy they would have taken the upgrade offered. Instead they made a less than honest campaign video out of the affair. They got a well deserved mauling and it still stings. Hence Yannis Mendez coming back to the issue long after anyone who might have cared has forgotten the details.​

    So even the New Statesman and the Guardian are less than impressed! The laugh's on you, old boy!
  10. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    I was looking at it - as I could acquire Irish Citizenship through my grandfather...

    It's a route in to Europe (now that UK is leaving) and you only have to show that you can support your wife and children (no FM 1.7 and £18,600 pa no English test etc)... in addition because of the CTA (Common Travel Area) and the reciprocal agreements relating to social security etc. you could as an Irish Citizen simply walk into the UK after 3 years and live there ad finitum.

    Further, you can currently do it using the Surinder Singh approach... i.e. get into Ireland without a settlement visa and then when you're there sort our your Irish Citizenship and your wife's settlement status... but I guess time is running out for UK citizens on that one - but maybe not - who knows.
  11. Markham

    Markham Guest

    I'm not so sure Ireland as a Surinder Singh staging point is now do-able with any degree of certainty. I remember reading that the Irish will not issue a visa to a non-EU married to a British national if they (the Irish government) suspect that the couple are using Eire as a staging point. Given that neither Britain nor Ireland wants there to be a 'hard border' between Eire and Ulster and Ireland is not a Schengen country, I suspect the Irish will be far stricter on visa-issuance in future.
  12. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    I have assembled all the documents needed to claim Irish citizenship (through my Grandmother).
    Not sure what to do now... to bring my Mrs here to UK.
  13. Bowler

    Bowler Banned

    Hurry up before Brexit closes that door on you.
  14. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    Yes - The way some couples are still doing it at the moment is to get a Schengen visa for somewhere like Holland or Denmark and then fly into Dublin (Ryan Air) from there hoping they won't be challenged... Although Ireland isn't in the Schengen zone, I believe they're not (under EU law) allowed to refuse you entry if you have a marriage certificate and your EU husband/wife with you at the border, if you don't have children I guess you can wing it and take a chance.
  15. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    We have quiet a few Europhiles here

    Andy gave up his British Citizenship to get his missus here on his Irish

    Dom our resident Roman lol

    Chris & John in Spain

    Me via working in Portugal

    and our closet free movementeer Mark in Malta (waiting for the earnings exemption):lol::lol::lol:
  16. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    Unless you have worked in Ireland (South) you would need to exersize free movement (the HO is as obstructive as poss) or renounce British and apply for a Family Permit time is tight and no guarantees now
  17. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    I have a nice council property here in England, that I really don't want to give up just yet (and I'm a retiree).

    Decisions decisions
  18. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Waiting to do what - go to the UK?! Hah! No thanks, I'll stay here where it's warm and sunny almost every day of the year; very low crime rate (almost non-existent in fact); decent health and education services; cheap, fast and reliable internet with free WiFi available in all public buildings and parks; good food and excellent craft beers, and where I can be together with my wife and children as a family. The UK currently does not offer many, if any, of those things.
  19. Bowler

    Bowler Banned

    Ah, Malta. Part of the European Union too. Fantastic. And just a short hop to Northern Africa which is very handy.
  20. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Handy for whom? Nobody in their right mind would want to go to Libya and there's now no air service between Malta and Tunisia (Emirates, the only operator for the route, ceased services a month or so ago: Emirates' Malta-Dubai route now has Cyprus as an intermediate stop). As for the flood of refugees Angela Merkel's invitees storming into Europe, Italy is somewhat closer and gets all the traffic.

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