,, Just watched would recomend
"Carroll’s doomed attempt to lift the veil from the data-industrial complex that underpinned Cambridge Analytica is the dark heart of the film. Because although he proved that the firm had illegally processed his data, ultimately his attempt to retrieve that data was thwarted by Cambridge Analytica’s decision to liquidate. Carroll’s experience is just one of the many unknowns that still surround this story. We still know very little about what the company actually did with the data. Who was targeted? With what ads? In what locations?Carroll knows nothing about the nature of the 5,000 data points the firm claimed, in its own marketing, to have on 230 million American voters, including himself. We still have no clear picture what Cambridge Analytica did for Trump. Or what it did in any of the dozens of elections worldwide it claimed to have worked on – what Carroll calls “subversion on an industrial scale”. All we know is that both Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent the facts coming out."
CA went into liquidation and accepted a criminal conviction rather than release and individuals data harvest to that individual
Saw this on Netflix the other day. What a lot of tosh that woman was coming out with! Started out with her playing the confident whistle blower whilst sunning herself in Thailand in a jet set hotel. Ended with her trying to run away from it all in a taxi after the story began back firing right in her back stabbing direction. Lying hypocritical bitch.
Cambridge Analytica did work for Leave. EU, emails confirm
Nothing new in that article Keith, she "argues that", she has "strong reasons to believe that", blah blah blah. Meanwhile, staying on topic, I am certain that you will have been pleased to hear recently that Darren Grimes won his appeal against the £20,000 fine imposed last year by the remain-biased Electoral Commission.
If Grimmy wasn't guilty, why wouldn't anyone welcome his exoneration? Nobody gave a damn about that strange young man until recently. As for the Cambridge Analytica stuff, well, I think it's quite clear that Leave EU were balls deep in that crowd. I don't get all the embarrassment behind it. Leave worked the internet better than their opponents. I don't for a minute think that Remain would have been so principled to turn them away if they could have swung events in their favour. More sinister is the potential (not proven) interference by Russian troll factories.
In case tyou're unaware, Darren Grimes had to complete a form for the the Electoral Commission. He was unsure how to answer one question and telephoned the Electoral Commission for advice which he acted upon and ticked a certain box and submitted his form. Some months later, The Electoral Commission reprimanded and fined him -- essentially for following their advice. The matter went to court and the Judge found in his favour and saved Mr Grimes from a fine of £20,000.
More to look at and investigate would be another description of the articles direction After all we are all committed to protecting our democratic processes im sure
Knew he couldn't figure out how to fill the form in. Haven't heard that he called for assistance. Either way, he wasn't responsible for some of the blatant lies during the campaign, so no desire to see him made a sacrificial lamb. Glad to see you did not disagree with my statement that he is a very strange young man. That, coupled with Boots "liking" my post, has made me very apprehensive this morning.
Whilst CA has been unmasked, there are plenty of other companies involved in this, who we don't know yet. Surely we are all being manipulated?