The new top gear show

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by ChoiAndJohn, May 20, 2016.

  1. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    I think the issue with Evans is Evans himself,on his radio show sadly its about him his wife and his 2 boys yet he has a daughter and grandchild also. He often talks over guests and creates false laughs, the sports reports weather and guests interviews normally degenerate into him passing his sometimes overbearing opinions and the bulletins are often left in a bit of disarray.
    That said he certainly does a lot of good work with things like carfest etc.
    Maybe given time the Top Gear programme will improve, and like you rightly point out maybe he is trying to hard but sadly his radio show is often a turn off the radio moment for me.
  2. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    I think people are very harsh to judge these days. They have big boots to fill and hardly anyone gets things right are the first go especially with tv.
  3. CampelloChris

    CampelloChris Well-Known Member

    Finally managed to watch it after downloading the first episode.

    Clarkson, May and Hammond had the benefit of ten years together, and to try to emulate the polished turd that the old Top Gear had become was a big ask.

    But all the same,I thought there was at least an element of freshness. Some of the stuff on pre-meltdown TG was becoming a bit stale - (the Star in a Car bit for instance), and so, to introduce the off-road aspect gave it a bit more watchability.

    I would have liked to see the News section return, but maybe once the two main hosts rub a few of the rough edges off each other, the slickness will come.

    All in all, I thought it showed promise. I'm no fan of Chris Evans and Sabine Goering (or whatever) does nothing for me at all - one to turn the volume down for. But there were some pretty good moments, with, I think, Matt showing some good comic timing. I think he needs to be let off the leash a little more. I wonder if his restraint is down to Evans' propensity to be Billy Big Balls and take centre-stage. They tested a Corvette and a Viper, yet the American was nowhere to be seen.

    I can understand Chris about the lack of audience hysteria, but it's a British trait to wait a little before deciding whether something is good or not. It felt like one of those moments when a slightly manic party host asks you if you're having a good time - and you aren't, but in that British way of embracing all things 'a bit ****e', want to be polite and encouraging, and of course, and at all costs, avoid a scene.

    But as with all the best parties, it takes a little time before everyone gets into the spirit of things and the utter depravity begins. I think there's room for improvement, but by the end of the series it will have made great strides in the right direction. And if Jezza, James and Dick can recreate their best, we have a double winner.
  4. Markham

    Markham Guest

    According to a piece in today's Mail, the BBC had to edit-in canned laughter top cover-up all the awkward silences.
  5. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Top Gear goes from bad to worse - it has lost around a third of its audience as only 2.8 million bothered to tune-in for its second episode last night to hear Evans say "I'm going to get even more shouty". And he did.
  6. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    oh dear. I forgot to record it. Oh well. Shame he decided to get even more shouty.
  7. Markham

    Markham Guest

    If you really need to get your fix, it is available on iPlayer here.
  8. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    I actually thought last nights was better than the first. Im hoping it will grow on me.
  9. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    It's interesting what a spot this puts the BBC in,do they stand by their man or respond to public voting with the remote?
  10. Markham

    Markham Guest

    As far as I know, the BBC is only committed to pay the presenters and the production company for one series. I think it's possible that if the next episode is also a flop, it'll be relegated to a daytime slot. However this is the BBC we're talking about, which seems to have become an "anything goes" broadcaster judging from the latest episode of Peaky Blinders and the French-produced bonk-fest masquerading as historical drama (Versailles). So maybe we'll be subjected to further acts of sadism as the Beeb contracts for further series; oh :poop:.
  11. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    @BlueberryCheeseCake and I watched the second episode last night. It started OK but we lost interest in it before it finished and went to bed. I'm inclined to give it a chance. She hates it and pines for Clarkson.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    I thought diluting the cocktail with water was a good metaphor Clarkson would have added Ethernole :)
  13. DJB

    DJB Active Member

    What I dont understand with the new TG is why they kept the old set and props ?? you would think it might be a tad better in its own new studio so as people would not be reminded of the gags and stunts from the three Amigos.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. CampelloChris

    CampelloChris Well-Known Member

    I agree with that. And the catchphrases keep repeating - such as the "Some say he...." when introducing The Stig, and "On that bombshell"

    However, I thought the 2nd show was loads better than the first, with the hosts perhaps feeling a little less self-conscious about their roles. And I didn't think the first was that bad. I do think that there is a will among the British press to chop Chris Evans down, and most of the articles I've read confirm this.

    I'm looking forward to when we have both on air. It isn't a case of making a choice between them. I'll be watching both!

  15. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Gosh, Chris, you must be really bored! :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    yeah. I agree with that actually. I would have rather they changed the format and the set so that I wouldn't be reminded of the old team.

    The 'some say he... ' refrain when introducing 'the Stig' was a bit tired when Clarkson used it. Now it just sounds ridiculous to me.

    There were parts of the second episode that I quite enjoyed though. I'll watch the next one and see how it goes.
  17. Markham

    Markham Guest

    You might want to spare a thought - or a few coppers - for Chris Evans who appears to have turned into a sad old wino. He was photographed earlier this week sitting on the pavement drinking wine and all alone:

  18. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member my wife doing in that photo ?
  19. Markham

    Markham Guest

    And you recognised her how exactly? :p
  20. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    the long black hair and phone in back pocket. she only wishes she has the ass to match the above photo.


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