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US launches missile attack against Syria

Discussion in 'News from the UK, Europe and the rest of the World' started by Timmers, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    The US launches a missile attack against the airfield in Syria that was used in the chemical attack a couple of days back.

    I cannot help feeling that if the UK Parliament had agreed to limited air strikes in Syria back in 2013 that the conflict in Syria would not have evolved to where it is today.

    I view Trumps intervention as a firm and measured response.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Absolutely right, can't have dictators throwing deadly gas at innocent folk,
  3. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    If the US and UK had intervened early on in the conflict then Russia would not have had chance to fill the void, Russia's involvement now makes it more difficult for the west to intervene and bring an end to this conflict.

    I cannot remember in my lifetime when there was peace in the Middle East, one conflict ends and another one begins.
  4. Markham

    Markham Guest

    You can blame David Cameron and Barack Obama for Assad's ability to use chemical weapons against his own people. Following Assad's use of Sarin in 2013, the SAS were on standby ready to be deployed on a mission to destroy the Syrian dictator's stockpile of Saris gas. One assumes that the MoD did take the precaution of supplying chemical suits and breathing sets along with such essentials as body armour (which was one of the essentials Blair omitted to supply to troops in the Iraq war). At this time you may remember, Cameron sought Parliamentary approval for air strikes and lost a crucial vote. Following that defeat, he called-off the SAS raid and in the US, Saint Barack performed another of his characteristic U-turns and cancelled a military attack despite the gas attack being a flagrant breach of one of his 'red lines'.

    The lack of action by the US and UK directly led to Putin's Russian forces filling the void. On Assad's side.
  5. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    Yes, once again, paying too much attention to the whinings of naive fools has led to even greater suffering by the innocent.
    Some harsh discipline needs to be imposed on the middle-east, to facilitate their gradual progress into the 21st century... kicking and screaming if need be.

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