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Where's the outrage?

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Ethics' started by Blumata, Apr 21, 2011.

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  1. Blumata

    Blumata Member

    Recently in the news we all heard about an American preacher who burned a koran.

    Immediately the hue and cry was voiced by the christian community about how they do not approve of such an action. I heard many many preachers and other religious leaders round the world going on about how it was such a horrible thing to burn a holy book.

    Now, I'm not saying that the christians are any more right than the muslims, but just maybe the following question is indicative of a valid concern.

    Where is the outrage among the 'moderate' muslim leaders for the killings of innocent people which served as payback for the one incident in the US? I have scoured the news and seen virtually nothing calling such action evil.

    Did I miss something?

    Personally, I remain convinced that any 'beliefs' in imaginary friends no matter the stripe is delusional at best, however, if it leads to the murder of innocent persons...

    I just don't know. Anyone have any ideas?

    Pete of New Hampshire
  2. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    If you are waiting for moderate voices from the world of Islam......

    You may have to wait a long time..

    A very long time..

    And don't hold your breath while you wait.
  3. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    There are people speaking out, but they tend to get overlooked by the media and it is up to you and me to seek them out through their blogs, YouTube videos and such. But there is a noticable silence on the matter in some areas of Muslim society.

    Then on the other side of the coin there are plenty of people who are quick to burn another copy of the Koran, in solidarity with Pastor Jones as some sort of demonstration of free speech. Now, personally I am the biggest free speech advocate you will find but I find it amusing that so many people are quick to stand up for free speech when it comes against Muslims, but when in fact we have laws in place throughout Europe making it a crime to disagree with the holocaust, not many people want to make a stand in solidarity with holocaust deniers:erm:

    Now, I am no holocaust denier, but I also don't burn books. And whilst I will say I agree anyone should be able to burn any book that they own, I also say people should be able to hold their opinions (no matter how nutty they are):like:
  4. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    I think a lot of Muslims in the world are not very moderate because, by and large, Muslims have been trodden on over and over again.

    Burning any religious book is not right.
    The UK banned the pastor from entering the UK this week and a UK court sent someone down for 70 days for burning the koran in public.
    Both are good things IMO
  5. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Tonight for dinner I enjoyed quite a large portion of my home made spinach and ricotta ravioli.
    I also enjoyed a quality bottle of really wonderful Pinot Grigio

    So now, as you might imagine, I'm feeling relaxed and fine and hope you'll all accept my comments as friendly observations.

    Blumate, "Where is the outrage among the 'moderate' muslim leaders"
    Why would you expect outrage from any moderate. Isn't that almost an oxymoron.

    Aromulas, "If you are waiting for moderate voices from the world of Islam...... "
    Seriously, don't you ever hear them?

    Kuya, "And whilst I will say I agree anyone should be able to burn any book that they own, I also say people should be able to hold their opinions (no matter how nutty they are)"

    Aposhark, "I think a lot of Muslims in the world are not very moderate because, by and large, Muslims have been trodden on over and over again."
    Not just Muslims feel that. Anyone who is extreme in their views will usually use the same argument.

    We're all different. We all have great brains. We all have great potential to infuence.
  6. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    If spinach ravioli and pinot grigio can bring all this out in you...

    I dread what Pancit Canton or crispy pata can do....

    Jokes apart, yes, there is a lot to be said for lack of moderation from some quarters.

    Unfortunately our potential to influence does not enter into the discussion where religious brainwashing has previously occurred.

    And for being trodden on all along.... Well I take a raincheck on that one.... As I do not agree with it.

    My home town has lots of history about being trodden on....
  7. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    I react in the same way after a fantastic sashimi banquet with the very best sake.

    No offence intended. For me life is just too short.
  8. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Want to share your hometown ?
    Or prefer to take raincheck?
    Not being nosey, just curious.
  9. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    The roman
    The Saracens
    The Pope
    The Borgias
    The Pope ... again...
    The Fascists
    The Germans
    The Yanks
    The bloody roman tourists....:erm:

    The Pope and The Borgias used to employ tax collectors from Portugal, as they seemed to be real hardcore.
    So now we still have the old say.. " It is better to have a death in the family than a portugiese at the door"....
  10. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Sometimes I think it would be great to share a few drinks with some folk on here.

    I have only done this twice with KeithAngel and we had a great tete-a-tete when we were without our beautiful ladies.

    It is great to quaff a few and let the conversation drift along and shoot off on tangents at times.

    One day Keith and I will sink a few more, I like people who are chatty over a glass or ten ;)
  11. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    This is where I cannot agree, going to prison for burning a book?

    Now if I stood outside of one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants burning one of his recipe books in some sort of protest, I am sure he would be offended. But would I face a prison term for offending a celebrity chef? Might seem like a silly analogy, but really is the hurt feelings of one man worth criminal punishment?

    The answer would be a resounding "no", and there is not a person who would stand by and allow such a criminal trial to go ahead!!

    So, take a Koran. If you burn it, somebody says a billion Muslims have been offended. Perhaps, but when did their feelings get taken into account when billions of people get offended every day for whatever gripes they happen to dislike. If you burnt a set of Rosary beads I am sure it could be claimed you have offended a billion Catholics (and there are a Billion of them), but I doubt anyone would bother taking you in for criminal charges.

    And I would guess most Catholics today would take more offence if the burning of Rosary beads had been met with imprisonment than the actual act of burning the beads! The right to offend is something we all have and should fight tooth and nail to keep!!

  12. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    Ditto, in our case the English :D
  13. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    You mean scousers:D
  14. Blumata

    Blumata Member

    I also have been fortunate to share a glass or ten with Keith. In Cebu, in the pool...those talks drifted like a balloon from one subject to another. often long into the night.

    I'm sure the alcohol had nothing to do with the enjoyment.

  15. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    In vinas veritus Pete :D I to enjoyed our one boys night Mike and Im sure we will meet up at some point once Jheans over in the UK probably next year
  16. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    That will be good, Keith.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2011
  17. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    We all have our ways of looking at it Kuya :like:

    Even though I'm not religious, I could never burn the bible - or any religious artefact.

    I just think burning a religious book can incite others to take it steps further.
    I don't think Christians would go on the rampage because a bible is burnt but they did things like that in the past and their present situation is precarious.

    I would also not go to the stretford end and burn a red shirt ("red devil" doesn't really seem to be appropriate), they might all tell me to "go away" in a loud voice and frighten me. :D
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