My Filipina Wife Does Low Carb

Discussion in 'Culture and Food' started by Anon220806, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    No, with me shielding I was not happy about visits to the doctor so never got them to check after second vaccination.

    However I did make a point of seeing an optician to get my eyes checked and I got an OCT scan as an extra (Optical Coherence Tomography) this is a fancy 3D infrared scan that lets them get a cross section of the layers in your entire eye, my eyesight has actually improved to the point where I don't need distance glasses for driving now and the OCT scan basically said my eyes were perfectly healthy, I did mention to the optician about potentially being pre-diabetic but there are certainly no signs in my eyes at this time.
  2. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Elevated blood sugars play havoc with the eyes. Eventually it leads to blindness. I have come across a lot of people who have suffered eye damage owing to raised blood sugars. In many cases it is reversible. But not all, where the damage has been too severe.

    It’s interesting that you have noted an improvement in your sight.
  3. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    That's actually been the case for quite a while before the recent diet, they are not directly connected.

    When I was about 42 my distance vision became very slightly poorer and I was informed that I should wear distance optimised glasses for driving, as I got older and had more eye tests the distance vision gradually improved as the reading vision deteriorated, standard presbyopia, but now my distance vision is really pretty great except late at night when one's pupil is very dilated, i.e. the equivalent of shooting wide open at f1.4 on a top notch lens with a 50mm focal length where depth of field becomes very narrow.

    I have also found that my eyesight varied a bit depending on my weight but I have been told that I was imagining it, by my sister amongst other eye professionals, but personally I wondered if shifting fat deposits could change the shape of the eyeball a tiny bit, I'm probably a bit out on a limb with that idea though :)

    But yes you are right, blood sugar can cause major eyesight issues, that was in part why I got the recent test, but I also wanted my pressures checked as my sister has high pressure and is at risk of glaucoma and she had warned me I should stress this to my optician.
  4. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    A lot of symptoms reverse out quite promptly but the eye can take some time to reverse, where blood sugar is concerned. I don’t completely understand why but I have come across many people who describe this as being the case.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

  6. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member Trusted Member

  7. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Just checked the link. It seems okay. The guy who wrote it is a GP in the south of England.

    I had hoped to perhaps be able to recommend a “best” option for people who want to enjoy beer as part of a low carb diet. However, even though the Holsten Pils and the St. Peter’s Without alcohol-free beer had slightly smaller effects on blood glucose, all the beers did cause a significant increase in blood-sugar levels and all beers brought my blood ketones down to zero.

    It is also worth reiterating that I am insulin sensitive. For people who have pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes, the rise in blood sugar would likely be a lot higher. If you want to follow a low-carb or keto lifestyle, beer may not be the best choice for you. From this study there was a clear relationship between drinking beer and reducing levels of blood ketones. When it comes to enjoying alcohol, there are other options which may not have the same impact on your blood sugar readings. These include spirits, red wine and champagne.

    Drink responsibly. Keep your level below the recommended weekly units and avoid drinking on consecutive days. There are a range of useful tips for healthy drinking, such as:

    • For every alcoholic drink you have, have a glass of water.
    • Try to avoid being thirsty when you drink alcohol.
    • Plan what you eat alongside your alcohol to avoid snacking on high-carb foods and avoid making food choices which will not help you to reach your eating goals.
    • Remember also, that people who follow a low-carb lifestyle are often more sensitive to alcohol than those on a high-carb diet, and need to consume less to become intoxicated. So be extra careful if you are just starting out on low carb: your limits may well have changed!
    To conclude, if something seems too good to be true… like being able to enjoy low-calorie or low-carb beer in larger amounts and achieve your desired blood-sugar or blood-ketone goals… it probably is! Drinking several beers, be they normal, ‘light’ or ‘low’ will likely hinder your goal to keep carbs down, and will probably knock you out of ketosis.

    There are a lot of clever marketing schemes out there, and more and more “low-carb” products will come onto the market as LCHF and keto increases in popularity. As always, be a critical and conscious consumer, and be wary of simply taking claims such as “light”, “low-carb”, “sugar free” or “effective carbs” at face value.
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  8. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    I haven't had a beer since 3rd of Jan this year, I think I would only consider having one now if I was out with my pal Norrie at a folk Festival, I also have not had anything else to drink no wine which is my only other tipple apart from a bottle of Prosecco on my birthday.

    In all honesty I would have had no success in reducing weight if I had been drinking it corrupts one's self control and I am better off without it, when I finally get to the Phils I might indulge an occasional San Mig light in company with other family over there but I won't drink the way I did before ever again.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
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  9. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Just made my first visit to Morrisons since the 24th of Nov last year, I needed to buy something and collect my final Morrisons fivers as they stopped that scheme and the fivers expire in August, I had 34,370 points which was nearly £35 shame I missed out on one fiver :(

    Anyway the point of mentioning this is that is it quite surprising walking through a big supermarket like that these days and seeing just how little of their produce one could actually buy, I had to hunt really hard to find sausages that had really low carbohydrates, carbs were ranging between 11g/100g to 18g/100g 10 to 20 percent by weight, ridiculous!

    I walked round bought some chicken breasts got some sausages, some peanuts, some mangetout and baby corn for one of my Chinese dishes (still ends up low carb) some Coke Zero although I drink a lot of water these days instead of soft drinks and that was about it, collected my £30 of vouchers saved money compared to ordering from Morrisons through Amazon so will be starting to use the supermarket again rather than getting home delivery.

    It is shocking though, entire aisles devoted to different ways of packaging sugars, the chap who did the addictive foods documentary is right food science has spent 60 years making food more and more appealing to the senses through market competition pressure to satisfy the consumers and effectively pushed everyone towards expecting super rewarding taste experiences from every single thing they eat, foods and taste can be subtle and still enjoyable we don't have to have our taste buds maxed out on every morsel.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    This post made me smile. We do the same and bypass many aisles in Morrison’s and other supermarkets.

    Unfortunately you are right and he was right. Slowly but surely we and other consumers have been pushed along that very path without even noticing. And people find it hard to come to terms with that and reverse all of that.
  11. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I bought 2 cases of San Miguel last December, they are still there in the house un-touched. I only drink rum and diet coke I won't touch beer, too high in carbs and I'm only allowed 20 carbs daily to keep in ketosis
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  12. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Have you got your copy @oss?

  13. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Yeah it arrives on a Thursday, at the same time as it appears in Android app, been too busy at work to read anything recently I'm a couple of weeks behind but I will read this on Sunday.
  14. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    If ones blood sugar levels are in the normal range, does that mean one doesn’t need to tread carefully?

    This video addresses that.

  15. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member


    A write up from a local business up north... it seems pretty sound. Not something I have done but might start having gone back to a sedentary job clicking a mouse all day.

    Fasting - “Intermittent Fasting, or “IF”, is about what time you eat, and how frequently. It is not something to do when you first start out.
    ⚠️ Following keto for a good few weeks and allowing your body to get into ketosis and start using fat for fuel, will most likely result in you finding yourself “fasting” without even thinking about it.

    Your appetite naturally decreases and stabilises on keto, because you’re being fuelled by fat, and not carbs.

    Listen to your body, eat when hungry, eat until you start to feel full and satisfied. Don’t over complicate things by thinking this is something you NEED to do.
    Some people never fast. It is not a necessity.

    Fasting can be as simple as eating at 6pm, and then nothing until 10am, or later. And the time you are sleeping counts too. Examples…

    · Skipping meals - Usually people skip breakfast, some people prefer to skip lunch.

    · Eating window – Eating all your meals/macros in a 4 to 6 hour window e.g. eating only between 12pm and 6pm, or 3pm and 7pm, etc.

    · Pro-level – 24 to 48 hour fast (and longer) – this is an extended fast, you do not eat and only consume water/fluids.

    Do not try this without doing your own research on the subject. Google, YouTube, read, watch, learn. Educate yourself so you know how to do this safely please.

    Break your fast with something simple but packed with nutritious goodies, e.g. leafy greens/salad, avocados, salmon, plain chicken. **Don’t forget salts / electrolytes throughout, before, during, after!


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  16. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    From the BBC today..

    “From the end of next year, TV adverts for junk food - also including breakfast cereals, yoghurts, ready meals, chicken nuggets and battered fish - will be allowed only between 9pm and 5.30am.”

    This is a good step forward. They are obviously aiming to give the junk food companies time to adjust as the population changes its eating habits, especially children.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Chicken in a cream and mushroom sauce. On a bed of courgetti spaghetti.


    Mrs Ash weighed in at 51.5 kg again today so she has plateaued. However she has been out and bought some new size 6 jeans and joggers which she fits into reasonably well now. The way she sees it is that she isn’t gaining weight, a positive and she is wearing clothes that she could only wear a good few years ago.
    She is still targeting 45 kg.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
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  18. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I'v been intermittent fasting for 5/6 weeks now and stuck on a plateau. I'm fasting 7 pm till 11 am, 16-8. Now, I think I'm breaking my fast with drinking rum and diet coke in the evening. I can't give that up living over here, it's the only thing that's keeping me sane. My macros are fine, less than 20 total carbs, high fat and medium protein. It's about 11 am here now, going to fast an extra hour not hungry yet.
  19. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Rum and Diet Coke is okay. :like:

    • Like Like x 1
  20. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    But will the alcohol itself not break my fast? They say over 50 calories will break your fast.
    How Many Calories Does 1 Gram of Alcohol Contain ...
    My weight has gone back up to 80 Kgs. I noticed my protein intake was over by 38 grams, fat was about 67 grams short and carbs only 4 net grams. According to Carb Manager.
    Do you think lack of sleep affects Keto diet?

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