Coronavirus in the UK

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by aposhark, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Says account could be a scam? What does @oss think ?
  2. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    it might be a scam yes as when I clicked the link it says deceptive site or it might be that the link has expired, when I did my covid pass I dont think i got a text to apply (cant remember) but i went through the NHS App site
  3. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Same warning for me.
    "Phishing threats."
  4. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    That does not look like the correct Uri for getting anything related to the Covid vaccinaton status, my vote would be scam.

    This was on your phone?

    If it was be careful you could have authorised a download to your phone already.

    You can get the Covid passport details in MyGP app and in teh main NHS app.

    edit: Warning: new fake NHS COVID Pass emails and texts – Which? Conversation this article mentions this scam
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
  5. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    what disgusting people do this sort of thing ? Isnt there some way of tracing where this came from ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Not at your end on a phone sadly, the best you will get is the phone number it came from.

    The Uri will be registered to someone somewhere, that "account suspended" message might have come from the ISP or the provider of the hosting so they may already have done something about it.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

  8. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    It's much worse than the official figures, India was reported as potentially attributing only 1 in 10 Covid deaths to Covid.

    And a couple of days ago Africa at 1 in 7 correctly attributed.

    Africa detecting just 1 in 7 COVID-19 cases, says WHO study | The Independent

    India is under-reporting Covid-19 deaths. Here are some ways to work around the problem (

    Undercounting of COVID-19 pandemic deaths by country - Wikipedia
  9. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

  10. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    It has been, and is continuing to be, the perfect storm.

    One day when the world has a much better handle on this virus, maybe the complete figures will be better understood.
    However, it appears that there is a good chance the full horror will never be known.
  11. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Get Covid jab or restrictions more likely, Sajid Javid says - BBC News

    They are already too late, they keep trying to pursue herd immunity when it is now clear that herd immunity is impossible, this is last winter all over again they learned nothing, freaking freedom day July 19th was far too bloody early you could see that Whitty, Vallance et al were finding it hard to buy into the July 19th date back then, they were clearly under political pressure to put out the desired official message that it was all ok they had a plan and the plan would work, utter crap.

    We opened up when case numbers were very high and climbing, yes deaths were low but that reflected case rates 4 or 5 weeks prior, vaccination rates were also low compared to the known native R number of Delta, we knew it was much more infectious and we knew that the vaccine threshold to get any kind of herd effect was much closer to 90% of total population and we had barely over 50% of total population fully vaccinated at that point.

    Since then we have only added 3 million to the first dose number and 9 million to the second dose, today total fully 2 dose vaccinated 66% nowhere near 90% but freedom day was all about forget about masks, forget about cleaning forget, about keeping your distance in shops and supermarkets and now they have to try to get people to adopt all that again and its not going to happen.

    We have 150 a day on average dying, 1 person in about every 5 who goes into hospital does not walk back out, 150 a day a number that will climb, is 55,000 a year or about 3 to 5 times worse than a normal flu season and twice as bad as a 'really' bad flu season.

    And here we are at the end of October again, with case numbers higher than last year and a booster programme that is behind schedule already, and remember its a two to four week wait for anyone that gets a 3rd vaccine before they are protected by that vaccination but the environment around them is going to be more and more full of Covid while they wait to for their body to develop that boost, hardly anyone in the target age ranges will have been boosted by the time we are well into late January and a lot of double vaccinated people will get seriously ill and many of them will die.

    This shower of governing clowns learned nothing from the last two years and continue to repeat their stupidity over and over and over.

    Population vaccination rates in Europe are better than us now, case rates for a winter wave in Europe will start from a much lower level than us and the suppression effects of the vaccinations will keep the effective R number in European countries very low so while they will have another wave it will be nothing like ours.

    We could have been the same if we had waited just a couple of more months to get the case rate down really low, or even if we had kept masks and social distancing requirements, but no we had to have FREEDOM DAY, FREEDOM DAY WE WANT OUR FREEDOM DAY NOW, well we got it and we will have to live or die with it.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    I was in work yesterday and I'd say the percentage of people wearing masks was 5%.
    People have given up worrying.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Yeah exactly, depressing.
  14. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    not enough info. What about the ages of those that have died ? How many under 70..and had they been vacc,d ?
  15. John Stevens

    John Stevens Active Member

    82 in the UK lock downs were not meant to save lives but we there to stop the NHS getting overwhelmed.

    We were told vaccines were the answer yet it spread, we were told masks would stop transmission yet it kept spreading we can't beat it and we can't fight it need to start living with it.

    Just like colds and flu covid is here to stay.
  16. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Masks prevent spread, vaccines prevent spread, social distancing prevents spread, you are ignoring the fact that without those measures the situation would have been much much worse, when you believe the 'masks don't work' the 'vaccines don't work' bullshit you are pretending that these have had no effect at all that we might as well not have done a damn thing and nothing would have been any different.

    Masks and social distancing worked in Europe, got their rates down really low even while they lagged us in vaccinations, now their vaccination rates are much improved and their overall position as a result is far better than ours.

    The UK population made a token effort at masking and distancing but a hell of a lot of people ignored it in their infinite wisdom and that lets them declare 'oh it didn't work', yeah it didn't work because they didn't bloody do it, vaccines they work they are protecting people but between 5 and 8 million of the UK adult population see fit to ignore the vaccines, result they stomp around declaring vaccines don't work when they clearly do.

    The situation we have in the UK now is because of the vaccine hesitant and the anti mask brigade and the lets get back to normal brigade, the it's all about my right to go to the pub brigade, the situation we have now is because our politicians pandered to the blinkered self centred selfish minority that didn't and don't give a damn about anyone else.

    There is still a chance that Covid could be eliminated in a couple of seasons maybe 3 full seasons, but no not in the UK because we've already given up and decided there is nothing we can do and nothing that we should do and this government right now is being wilfully negligent in adhering to that line and refusing to implement their Plan B right now.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    52000 new cases recorded today in the UK and rising.
    At this rate I will be off to France
  18. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The real rate is a lot higher than that, the ZOE study put it at the figure below as of today, the ZOE study is based on real feedback on symptoms and tests by 4.7 million people.

    COVID Symptom Study (

  19. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Inverness is a nice place with beautiful scenery. ;)
    The locals have a very easy-on-the-ear Scottish accent.
    I don't think the Scots would like all the sassenachs moving up there. :erm:
  20. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    The wife and i have booked our Boosters for tomorrow afternoon, just before the KO of Leeds v Wolves ;), I already have my ticket for Wolves next home game v Everton but i had told my wife i wouldnt be going to anymore home games until i had my Booster, to risky!. I travel around the West/East Midlands a fair bit mostly to building sites and there is no doubts in my mind people have become far to complacent, No masks worn, hand cleaning stations put out of site out of mind, basically carrying on as if Covid doesnt exist. Tesco garage forecourt where i filled up yesterday nomasks and the hand sanitizer machine which is just outside the kiosk door, when i used it, it was empty not through over use but because it hadnt been filled up, I used my own sanitizer which i carry in my Truck, all this leads to people think why should i bother because no one else does, and the Government is just as much to blame with all of this, just publishing Covid case numbers every day is NOT getting the message home, people are dying and will continue to die as a result of Covid, everyone should be made to get vaccinated unless there is a very good reason that they cant be vaccinated.

    At face value maybe the NHS is not getting overun by Covid but in many ways it is, the unseen ways such as people with other ailments and illnesses, the waiting time before an Ambulance can unload at A&E, the Cancer patients dying because they cant get treatment, people suffering untold pain because they cant get Hip replacements and such like, not being able to get a face to face appointment with there GP it goes on and on, and thats without even mentioning the Care Homes and the old folk in them, lack of trained Staff and the ones that work in these homes being overworked and having to spend valuable time showing Agency staff what to do.
    Its a Tsunami building up and eventually it will effect most of us and our families in some way, My wife has had enough she is tired after working a 14 hour day not because she doesnt like her job but because its getting to much for her and her collegues having to do more and more just to provide basic care for the old and infirm in her place of work. Rant Over :D.
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