E-Mail Problems - Please Help

Discussion in 'Technology Advice' started by Micawber, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Have you fixed this problem?
  2. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Yes and no.

    I tested out a number of e-mail clients all to no avail.

    I concluded with my limited knowledge I was not going to resolve all the inconsistencies.

    I sought the help of BT and did an assisted re-install of their e-mail software.
    We also entered some customised settings, on my suggestion, and since that time all has been fine.
    The major difference being that our iPhone, Galaxy S3 and iPad do not pick up any e-mail unless we actually initiate an e-mail 'retrieve'.
    Doing this does not impact the e-mail functioning of either the laptops or desktops.

    The only downside being that it just doesn't work out with any other e-mail client.
    No matter just now.

    I had planned to move toward Windows 8 but so far have not done that.
    Still under consideration.

    I've noticed that ALL the outlets in my area selling computers have only equipment operating on windows 8 without touch-screens so it's not so easy to make a good comparison.

    Once this 'project' gets onto my top 10 priority list I'll be getting back into it.

    Thanks for asking.
  3. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    We have a problem here where sent emails aren't registered on every device. So an email sent from an iPad isn't registering on the desktop. It isn't a complete and utter problem as one way or another I have a record of email sent. But it is a nuisance.

    It doesn't sound like the same problem that you have?
  4. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    In our case we had that. E-mails sent from one device did not always get picked up by another.
    We also had e-mails picked up by one device were not accessible from another. The frustrating aspect was that some of those 'other' devices were automatically picking up the e-mails.
    In this case unless we actually viewed the main e-mail server we had not way of knowing.

    These days e-mails are only getting picked up whenever we actually interrogate the local e-mail client (from whatever device). This is actually what we wanted to happen. That we can pick up ALL the e-mails whenever we want, from whichever device we want.Even if we already viewed that mail message from a device.
    Last edited: May 3, 2013
  5. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Apple say it is do-able if the settings in the server (in our case gmail) are set appropriately. We are looking into it as it is causing issues with some of us.
  6. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Based on the experience I had I would agree.
    We did a clean re-install and then carefully selected the settings.
    I understood there were plenty of 'settings-issues' between POP3 and IMAP

    At least I have what I want so now I am a keen supporter of 'if it aint broke don't fix it'
  7. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    None of us here actually lose email. We just don't get copies on all devices simultaneously. This can be a nuisance. Our IT guys have found the solution. My accounts are due to be sorted soon. My bosses PA has had hers done just recently. I don't actually know the cure or method of correction but if I find out I will post it.
  8. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Okay. I have just received an internal email on the fix for this. It has company phone numbers on so I can't send it as is (its a pdf doc) but if you still need to know the fix ( or just the proper set up really ) then let me know.

    "In order to save emails from a folder on a iPhone or iPad that have not been synchronised with Google Apps for Business......"
  9. globe

    globe Member

    Jut a thought but you don't have folders marked oib or know if you signed up via your bt yahoo mail to a service from www.otherinbox.com or similar? Some of these email sorting services can do strange things to email inboxes and depending on how and when the inbox or email client syncs can cause issues..

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