I saw in gov.uk that if I’m on working visa, I just have to present £700 each dependent as maintenance funds..
ok--so where does it say you can switch to a tier 2 visa from a student visa ? and have you got a sponsor for a suitable job ?
The Law in the Philippines, if you haven’t been in contact with your spouse for more than 7 years, the marriage can be applied as Null and void. You can divorce him under British law so you have clear record of not being married to anyone then submit it for recognition together with the proof of not being in contact with him longer than 7 years in the Philippines. With your divorce paper from the UK should be suffice enough to get married under US law.
i doubt very much a UK divorce is recognised in the philippines...otherwise my -now-wife wouldnt have gone for annulment even though she had already got a divorce in the UK from her filipino husband on the grounds of 5 years separation.
https://lawyerphilippines.org/2018/05/23/3-ways-to-legally-separate-philippine-marriages/ Foreign divorces can be acknowledge in the Philippines through a court process. Recognition of Foreign Divorce is simpler and faster than annulment but is only for marriages where a foreign spouse is involved. You are not eligible for this if: You are a Filipino who divorced another Filipino in a foreign country; You are a Filipino who divorced another Filipino and one of you became a foreigner only afterward. This is only applicable for divorced couples where at least one spouse was a foreigner. One of you must be a foreigner at the time of the divorce. So, if you were both Filipinos but one became a naturalized citizen of another country (say the U.S.), then you divorced, you can avail of this process. Recognition of foreign divorce is usually faster and more certain than annulment and allows you to remarry in the Philippines. Filing for recognition is advisable this since there are property issues that will arise from not doing so. If you plan to live or retire here, if you have children together, or if you have Philippine property, you really should get this done. Further information detailing the cost, process and other important aspects is found here.
the problem with foreign divorce is--the foreigner has to be the one who divorces the filipina., not the other way round.
Yes! Because there’s No divorce in the Philippines as yet! But they are already talking about the divorce bill.
Not so, from April 24 2018 even a divorce obtained by the Filipino spouse is also considered valid in the Philippines
Doesn't it require a philippines court order recognising the divorce to get PSA records updated ? Sure I read that when I was looking around to see what needed to be done to get overseas adoption (in this case done in UK) orders recognised. Think processes are similar and need some more info on the court order process.
i'm sure it will be a long, complex and expensive process..like most things are in the philipines. got to keep those lawyers and judges gainfully employed.