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Wanting to know more about filippinos

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Keither, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. Markham

    Markham Guest

    A 'spouse visa' permits its holder to seek and take-up employment. You're splitting hairs. Again.

    One what?

    I don't think he said that the traits he mentioned were unique to Filipinos but that [in his experience/opinion] Filipinos exhibited those traits.

    You are being unnecessarily hostile to a new member who has come here to seek advice.
  2. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I thought I was being a snowflake!

    Others are being far more hostile (that's ok, they're your friends) - people are accusing the op as being on a wind up - I don't doubt the truthfulness of his dilemma.

    I am taking his problem at face value. His partner doesn't seem to show any affection and no sex before marriage in the gay community is almost unheard of. Who's to say that marriage will bring a difference? We can't, only the OP has met the person in question.

    If I went onto a forum to ask questions like the OP has raised, I'd be dumping my partner rather than asking here.

    My advice, understand the Filipino culture, but don't make the mistake of letting that culture define your partner. Your partner is an individual who should be judged on his/her own merits. If you think your partner will be x, y and z based on a pre conceived notion that they are the traits of fellow countrymen then your naivety will be exploited by anyone who is willing to exploit it.
  3. Markham

    Markham Guest

    You are - but that's an entirely separate matter! :p

    You are guilty of generalising, which charge you level at the OP.

    I've met and spoken with many Filipino gays in the nine years I lived in the Philippines and almost none of them were at all promiscuous. In fact, I go as far to say that, by and large, Filipinos of whatever sexual orientation are considerably more conservative - and therefore less promiscuous - than westerners.

    But that's you. Maybe the OP will do likewise having reflected on what others have said here.
  4. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Hopefully he will. Based on what he has said, happiness lies elsewhere and I hope he finds it.
  5. Drunken Max

    Drunken Max Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I smell a renamer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  6. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    NO POLITICS... oh, you said Renamer. I thought you said remainer. As you were.
  7. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    .I disagree. I think he's genuine.

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