No, it is some kind of sedimentary rock with some clay mixed in, if I remember from my school days. It is near Porto Empedocle. A while ago, some eco ejuts or just plain imbeciles defaced it with some kind of red paint. So the site was seized by the authorities for investigations. I don't know, it they are concluded and what the result is. It was supposed to be named as a Unesco site a couple of years ago, but again I am not sure if that has gone according to plan, as the previous unelected government was extremely good at talking the talk but not walking the walk. I saw it years ago, from the aft crew deck of the QEII while passing on the way north to Naples. Are you trying for Fly-Drive or drive from the UK and back?
We did that last September. Great trip, bit on the heavy side on diesel, top hotels and tolls, but enjoyable nonetheless. Couple of stops in Germany (Bonn and Munich), and a couple more in Italy before arriving home (Trento and Assisi). I would recommend fetching along a lecky dual powered cool box to keep drinks and snacks cold while driving around. The big one I got from Tesco during lock down, finally did get the outing it deserved and was extremely useful, especially, on the way back, stuffed with cheese, salami, ham, guanciale and what not..
Our cool box planning to do France , Colmar region, Switzerland then through Aosta valley aiming for Pisa and Lucce then keep heading south then turn round at some point cross to east side and climb back up San Marino Germany etc
On the way south, try to stop in Caserta and enjoy the sight of the Borbons Royal Palace. It makes Buckingham Palace look sad... Coming up north on the eastern side would be awesome. The best national parks are on that side. You can visit Alberobello and the Gargano National Park , Smaller roads all the way north but unforgettable scenery and foodstuff. Wines are some of the best in Italy. Great choice of trip. PS Stop in Trento and take the train into Venice
@Aromulus the loose plan so far, coming through the Aosta valley then to a little chapel the Italy side of Mt Blanc tunnel then Milan, Sicily we will visit also
As you bypass Rome, try to take a small detour to Nettuno, my hometown, and Anzio the 2 towns where, in WW2, operation "Shingle" took place (the allied landing north of Salerno).
Route looks quite daunting but well planned. I see that you are trying to keep off the toll motorways as much as possible thus taking in as much scenic and picturesque views as possible. I recommend to download your dash cam videos every day on some sort of laptop SSD for later editing into a full blown movie. All good. I feel rather jealous, really...
I once drove from Geneva to Sicily on a job in the early 80's. It was all about time so we paid the tolls. I had never seen people eat so much! Italian families had about 10 courses and were eating for hours. That's the way to do it
I am supposed to be going from Geneva to Bern in the next few weeks, short trip but looking forward to it.
It will be first time for us, be in there about a week, pencilled in The first cliff walk" at Grindelwald as a must do!3d46.6611009!4d8.0526454!16s/g/11bztg1tg_
Rather you than me, John, as I've just got over a bout of diarrhoea (which I think was caused by nuts in Lidl) . Seems like you enjoy heights; KL had some too.
It's just a bit of business, only going for maybe 3 days, going to Canada for 6 months this year I think.