Hmm.....It will be hard to keep a copy of online chats because we are using phone application called Viber and I don't know if you can print these chats from the mobile phone. But to be honest there is one thing I can add at the end of this topic as a advice for the future ones who will want to find love in the same way. At the beginning you was telling me that dating websites are the very bad thing. Maybe it was like that in the past, but from my experience I can tell that dating websites today are very good solution. In the past when internet was available only in Internet cafes situation was different I agree with that. But the world is going forward everyday. Really good and decent girls are not going to the bars, karaoke clubs, shopping malls and any other places. Really good girls are spending all the time in homes with the family. Helping with the house duties, taking care about family members and going to work everyday. If they work they don't really have the time to go out and have some fun on the evenings. No time and lots of them don't really want to because the time with the family is more valuable for them. It is very hard to find and meet a girl like that in club, mall, or anywhere else because they are in home. But today lots of people have Internet in home so Internet is a helping hand for us. And dating sites are quite popular for girls staying in homes. So dating sites are not as bad as you think, but it is important to find a good one. I done my research and I found one most popular site in Philippines but I will not make any advertisement here. All I want to say is, there are lots of really good and nice girls on this sites. World is moving forward everyday and internet start to appear everywhere on the planet.
In my eyes tyger is bang on. Nothing wrong with dating sites. I met the most genuine caring woman I've ever met on a dating website. Far to good for me in fact. The mechanism of meeting someone isn't important, it's the person. Good luck tyger. I don't think you can save viber chats. As you say its a mobile app.
Depending on who owned the dating site and where it was situated you were probably using an illegal service under Philippine Law, it is not you the user of the site that is breaking the law but the site if it is operating for profit.
I don't have to convince myself. I done my research and gather my informations and make my own decisions. I just share my knowledge and experience for future daredevils Many things are illegal in Philippines for example prostitution too. But if somebody is looking for prostitute he know where to go to get one and where he can find plenty of them happy to offer services to him. It's like a HaloHalo said. It doesn't matter who is the owner and who is making the profit from it. Most important is that you can find plenty of genuine people there looking for exactly the same thing as you do. Looking for love. I don't care who is making the profit. My own life is more important for me.
If its hosted outside PI then its outside Philippine jurisdiction. I doubt there are any commercial dating websites operating in PI. That would be pretty daft on the webmasters behalf
everyone has different experiences.. yours is a good one Tygerr! i agree totally! this is just adding up the positivity i feel about datingsites.
Remember Lorena, there are one or two chaps here at BF who are looking out for a young lady, you never know your luck, "what goes around comes around" as we say here
well,. im positive about meeting this man -whoever he is-, he just lost his way to me for now... but soon he will realize it.. i'll just wait. :-D
That's the spirit. Being positive is a trait I admire in Filipinos, my wife is always talking about being positive where as I am always thinking of things that will put a spanner in the works so to speak when life is going too well
always will be.. Filipinos always have a smile on the face regardless of how the situation goes... and that's a very very good trait i am proud of. after all, it's only a matter of how you rise up after being knocked down.
Speaking of dating websites, I read last week about an adultery website the DOJ are looking at blocking in PI.
The DOJ would gain more respect if it made sure that the Police arrest those who break the law and bring them before the courts. And do so transparently and not apply the law differently for foreigners to Filipinos. Over the last seven years, I've read of several cases where Filipinas have been charged with adultery including one where the husband was know to have several mistresses but he was not apprehended. But I've yet to read of one case where a philandering husband has been charged with the equivalent offence - concubinage.
Adultery carries a maximum prison tariff of six years whilst that for concubinage is four years and one day. Not only is the punishment for concubinage a lesser sentence but it is very difficult to prove in court - for example, a man who is simply having an extra-marital affair is not breaking the law and can not be charged with concubinage. The same is not true if it is the wife who has the affair: she - and her paramour - can be charged with the offence of adultery. The Philippines' Revised Penal Code, Article 333, states: "Adultery is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void." And Article 334 defines concubinage as: "Any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other place.” If concubinage is proven, then the penalty for the concubine is more severe: destierro (exile). However philandering husbands who commit adultery but who can not be charged with concubinage, can now be charged under Republic Act 9262 or the "Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004” under the "psychological violence" provision. The Act states "acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and marital infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the victim to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness pornography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation of common children.” This offence carries a tariff of 6 to 12 years upon successful conviction but is almost never pursued - except against foreigners.