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General Election - June 8th

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Ethics' started by Maharg, Apr 18, 2017.

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  1. Dave_E

    Dave_E Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Nurses, food banks, what are you ranting on about.

    My sister is a nurse, and has done well for herself.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Right, so because your sister does not require food banks, you are suggesting that no nurse requires food banks? By the same argument, all nurses are female, and all nurses are your sister!

    If you are going to refute the fact, best back it up with some facts.
  3. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has reported “growing numbers of nursing staff using food banks, taking on additional jobs and accruing personal debt”.

    “We have a network of reps and RCN officers that stretches across the UK. They are in constant contact with members and this is what they report. This is not just one or two cases.”

    The Trussell Trust, the largest food bank network in the UK, said that it “had occasional reports from [its] foodbanks of nurses being referred for emergency food”.
  4. Dave_E

    Dave_E Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I never said that, though I suspect my sister would dispute your claim, might even be offended.

    Rather a sexist statement to make.

    What have you been smoking? [​IMG]
    Fact: My sister has done well for herself, married, raised a family, homeowners, two car family...

    Are you talking about the Scottish nurse who made the false claims in her interview with Nicola Sturgeon, and was later found to be living a champagne lifestyle, and partying in New York?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    You are still making the same logically flawed argument. You were making the argument that, because your sister is doing well, that my talk of food banks was nonsense.

    I was merely pointing out how flawed your argument was because you weee using a sample of 1. Using the same sample size, you would also deduce that all nurses are female, and all nurses are your sister!

    I have pointed out that the claims of nurses using food banks is backed up by the Royal College of Nursing. Further, the wage of a midwife has dropped in real terms by £6,000 a year.

    Inflation currently stands at 3% but is likely to be higher for some nurses. Wage rises capped at 1%. Maybe you think that is ok?
  6. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Dave you are a programmer, I think you are being a little bit disingenuous about Bluebird's deliberate use of a logical fallacy to illustrate a point ;) :)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  7. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Haven't you packed yet? I thought you'd be well on your way to Northern Ireland by now.
  8. Markham

    Markham Guest

    I suspect the RCN isn't the best of sources as it has become a rather political union along the lines of Unite and Unison. Like Dave, I have only seen (or read about) one nurse in Scotland who made her foodbank claim publicly. Your so-far-verifiable sample size would be one, the same as Dave's, but for the fact that this Scottish nurse was bearing false witness. So that will be a round zero then.

    Er .... no. Inflation is the same for everyone. If a pint of milk rises by 4p then everyone has to pay 4p more for their daily pinta.
  9. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Yep, just breaking the news to my employees that their jobs are gone. May's Britain!
  10. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Is that connection the same as the IRA's to Sinn Fein?

    Listen to the end where Nigel Dodds suggests that he might publish all the correspondence between Gordon Brown in 2010 and Red Ed in 2015 proving that both Labour leaders wanted to forge political ties with the DUP - and what carrots they were dangling.
  11. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    The RCN have gone on record as saying that nurses are being directed to food banks. I've quoted it above!

    People have personal inflation rates, that is a fact. If you spend more on fuel than I do, your inflation rate will be different to mine.
  12. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Here we go ... another snowflake that's not prepared to take responsibility for his actions or choices and blames others instead. You made that decision all by yourself, Mrs May did not come to your place and tell you to move, now did she?
  13. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Let's wait until it is published then.
  14. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Your logic is flawed.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Didn't take you long to get personal did it? You are avoiding my argument completely. I cannot move without sacrificing my business and the futures of my employees. An unemployed person cannot move his family to win the postcode lottery either.

    My comment about May's Britain is pointing at the growing disunity on the Disunited Kingdom that she is creating to cling onto the noose that masquerades as power in her world. Party before country again.

    About 13.7 million people voted for her vanishing manifesto. She'll be needing their votes again soon, either in by elections or another general election.

    She's struggled to a deal with the DUP. I have no confidence she or her misfits will fare any better in Europe.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    No it isn't. The concept that inflation is the same for everyone only works if we all buy exactly the things that are used to calculate inflation.

    The theory of personal inflation rates is quite a common one. It's why some sites offer personal inflation rate calculators.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Ad hominem attack - is it fair that people in deprived areas have poorer standards of health, education and other services? It's elitism, and people are waking up to it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    While I am dealing with strawmen - back to my original points.

    Point 1
    Is it fair that people in deprived areas often find that their kids are in poorer performing schools? Whilst moving is an option for some, is it correct for me to state that it is not an option for everyone?
    Point 2
    In the face of school cuts, because of "austerity", the Tories have found £1bn under the cushion of Hammond's Chaise Lounge to boost health and education in that part of the DK (disunited Kingdom). Here are the school cuts in your area, if you are interested.

    Point 3
    Nurses, along with other public servants, have had their wage rises capped at 1%. With inflation higher than that, it means that their wages are, effectively, facing a real-terms cut. The RCN have acknowledged that some nurses have been directed to foodbanks. As has the Trussell Trust. Further, 6,500 trainee nurses were awarded hardship grants from their universities in the last three years. Is this fair?

    Now, I appreciate some of these arguments are best avoided for the snowflakes to the right, but seven years of austerity with no end result in sight (in fact, the deficit still exists) has seen people start to ask questions. That the Tories can find £1,000,000,000.00 to retain power is hardly going to appease those who have seen their real term wages cut now is it?
  19. Markham

    Markham Guest

    No she won't. She already had a majority of six before the DUP deal and now effectively has one of sixteen.

    The negotiations were complicated by the fact that the Westminster government serves as a mediator between the two factions in Northern Ireland. The package of measures agreed to benefits everyone in the Province and not just the DUP voters.

    But I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that such an arrangement in future is most unlikely as planned and announced boundary changes will remove three DUP MPs and hand their seats to Sinn Fein. This will make Sinn Fein is the dominant party and may result in Irish reunification - or worse, a breakdown of the Good Friday Agreement and a return to violence.
  20. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    The DUP are really going to support that:rolleyes:
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