I am a British guy with Filipino girlfriend in Dumagete. She's still married but wants to be with me in UK. But I fear there's no chance unless she gets an annulment which takes many years...any way around this?
We got an annulment..took about 18 months. The more you pay the shorter the time. You have to grease the fili legal system. That way you get the best judge money can buy. But the annulment cost is only the beginning of your painful visa journey.
yes I have heard horror stories of trying to achieve an anulement. Some say it's free through the Filipino government and takes 5 years while others say you need to pay a lawyer to get one in 18 months. Seems to be no structure to the whole system
yes she has children that live with family in the provances not with her. This has Been a sticking point and Almost stopped me staying with her. But I feel love for her. She wants me to live in the Philippines with her. But I don't think I can give up all the benefits of living in the UK like free healthcare..free rent ( I don't pay any rent on council owned bungalow) bus travel etc I am torn. But I fear there's no chance of getting her here. She owns no property but has a steady job
Back in August 2021 there was some albeit slight movement on divorce in the Philippines. I think a read through of the link below will help you. The path however I fear is still long and costly. But good luck to you https://onemega.com/divorce-philippines-almost-possible-what-you-should-know/
I don't pay any rent are you aware of the earnings / savings requirement for sponsoring a settlement visa ? Or the alternatives ?
thank you. I fear I will give up. Can't face a long frustrating process and endless hoops to.jump through. The only option I fear is to move to the Philippines . Not sure I can accept the big change of culture and environment. I have many friends who have Thai wives living with them in the UK and they didn't seem to have much trouble getting them.here.i.need to ask them how..or maybe its easier with a Thai girlfriend
Yes I have researched a little. I have good savings. I am receiving Attendance Allowance also which I believe stops the upper salary limit being applied . Sorry if its not clear. My finances are complex and not in the main banking system. in other words I hide my wealth. Isnt the savings limit around £ 35,000? If so its not a problem. My weekly income is currently £ 330. I don't think the financial issues will cause me a problem it's more the anulement status. I don't know bout any alternatives
A man after my own heart If you do decide to move to Dumaguette there's a big ex-pat community there, decent place to hang out, there's a member on here lives close.
Hi again colin2, It appears to me on first reading that your situation with your girlfriend will require a massive amount of willpower and also a lot of money. The obstacles are: 1. Annulment: This will be expensive and could take a long time. 2. Children: Will she want them to be with her? What will the biological father think? He could try to get money from you. £££ 3. Marriage £££ A prerequisite to a spousal visa. £££ 4. Spousal visa - Satisfying the British government reference the amount you earn per year If you can overcome these things, the cost in money to get everyone to the UK will be very high. I hope you are prepared for this in financial terms - it will be very high. I would visit her a few times and see how things go. Other members will offer advise also.
Hi The visa process per country outside the EU is pretty much the same. Consider all your options on financial health and social grounds. Like me it looks like you are in the Autumn of life but age is only relative. Why not consider extended holidays out in the Philippines that way you are not burning bridges and if the relationship falls away then back to good old Blighty with a fun time behind you.
Your are correct on both counts of your assesment of meeting the financial requirement. Long gone are the days it was just about earning threshold and potential, now it's more about demonstrating you can support the applicant.
yes I have studied Dumaguete thoroughly and it's ok. My girl lives there.. I follow many vloggrs there. Not a large place I find .
I can support her. But she has children who live with parents. She is torn and doesn't know if she can leave the family behind. But she has to live and work a long way from the provances to support them. She can do the same in the UK. But as I said before..she wants me to live there. It would solve all the visa and visa issues which I am sure is designed to put you off. I really don't think I can give up the UK full time. The thought of 6 months there and 6 in the UK. She could stay with me on a tourist visa for 3 months a trip I believe
yes you make a lot if sense. I have thought of all options. Yes I am a young 71 but very fit for my age. She is a mature 35. I worry over the age gap but she doesnt. her best female friend is 25 and living with a 79 year old gent. She has been with him the past 8 years and they are happy. It's not about the money either my girl wont accept my help there.but I am not naive enough to believe that will always be the case. I am thinking maybe I can visit there for 6 months of the year and she can visit on a tourist visa for 3 months to be with me in the UK. That may work
Yes your reply is very sobering. I don't think I can go through all that crap. As I mentioned in other replies I think the only calm option is to spend 6 months of a year there with her and she can visit UK for 3 months on a tourist visa. I can support her while here
Yes once only. But daily contact online since. Air fare prices have gone crazy since the pandemic. Return flights could be found for £350. That rose to £1800 the past year. although they are coming down again now. Currently cheapest i can find is £900 return now